Sable and Sea of Solitude stood out to me as far as indie games I'd like to play. I'm not entirely sure what Sable is, but the art style looked really cool. SoS (oh ... OOOOHHHHH, how did I not catch that before?) has a unique art style as well, and while I skipped past whatever the woman was saying about it, since I was watching in the living room and trying to skip ahead to trailers so my dad could watch cable, I am interested in the seemingly introspective inspiration behind it to boot.
Outside of SoS, I really didn't care for EA's presser, although I would like to play the first Unravel game since I dig cute and charming 2D sidescrollers like that.
BG&E2 looked WAY better this year than the swear word-laden trailer from last year, and I'm even more motivated to buy a new laptop and play my Steam copy of the original. Joseph Gordon-Levitt seemed nervous to present the whole Hit Record thing, and I'm not entirely sure how that's going to work based on just the presser, but it sounds cool.
AC: Odydssey looked absolutely gorgeous and I'm probably more excited by the prospect of talking to fictional Socrates than I should be. Anyone know if they'll keep that history mode thing from Origins? Odyssey might just be my first AC game.
Am I the only one who thought the Just Dance opener was fun? No, I don't care about the game, but I don't see why everyone was up in arms about it? I certainly would enjoy it live and I didn't feel like it was THAT long, really. Plus, I think hardcore gamers forget there are other markets that buy games like this, so I get why Ubisoft did it. I digress. The DKC orchestra thing was cool too, though I thought it was weird how much they focused on the stage vs the trailer? Those were some good looking musicians though!
For Bethesda, I really liked both the Andrew WK performance and Rage 2. I still need to play RAGE. That's another one I have on Steam. Looks like the kind of mayhem I go for. Not much else to say except Wolfenstein Youngblood looked cool and 80s, but I still never clicked with New Order and don't think I'll play more. The other Bethesda franchises just aren't things that speak to me and aside from Fallout, didn't really have much new to reveal anyway. Starlink sounds interesting, but I don't think they showed much? Or maybe they did and I forgot that one sci fi trailer was that?
Nintendo was pretty much just Smash, which looks great, but it won't get me to buy a Switch. While it does get more tempting every day, I just think about how much I still want to play for PS4 whenever a new system enters my brain space.
Sony had few trailers, but I pretty much want to play everything they showed. That said, Ghost of Tsushima was really the only new thing they showed outside of Nioh 2 and RE2 which are sequels, so I can't say they "won" E3. Still, Ghost looked damn pretty on my parents' 4KTV and while it definitely looks like gameplay we've seen before, the Mongol invasion setting has me plenty interested enough.
Xbox's conference was definitely the most exciting of E3, with trailers for Cyberpunk 2077, DMC5, Gears, Halo, etc.
The games that stood out to me personally were Sekiro and Tunic. Tunic because it's Super Lucky's Tale meets Zelda and I'm all for good looking indie games made by one enterprising person in Nova Scotia, and Sekiro because it looks like Tenchu just got a good looking spiritual successor.
But while XBOX felt the least like a waste of everyone's time, I have to ask what those 18 exclusives are outside of Gears, Halo, and I presume indie games? I can't think of anything I couldn't play on my PS4 That I really want to, unless Sable is Xbox exclusive?
Read an article earlier about how weird it was Xbox didn't promote the fact X is the best system to play third party titles on and since they debuted so many of those, it is kinda weird they wouldn't flaunt that. They seemed to dedicate some time to Game Pass though, which I think is definitely a strength.
What were your E3 favourites?