I just read a manga recently. It was a manga on Dragon's Crown. Not that great in the story and writing department, but the artwork was awesome.
June Manga and Games
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![]() On 07/03/2018 at 07:29 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
June was a crazy month manga wise but video games, not so much. There actually wasnt much I wanted that released in June. Now there were somethings that I just havent gotten around to getting which would be Hollow Knight and Crash Remaster. Crash I can wait on, I played and beat the first 2 games. I played the 3rd but I cannot for the life of me recall if I finished it. Hollow Knight I want (Literally was waiting on the Switch release) but its on hold for a tad. The one game purchase I made that month was Ys 8. Im enjoying it so far, Im just glad I dont have to start over. I was about to pull my hair out.
I also rebought Splatoon 2 digitally and my Bf got me the Octo Expansion. Im currently losing my mind trying to unlock octolings so I can play as one. Its like the yanked the challenge and difficulty all the fucking way up. "If you want the octolings you must shed blood, sweat, and tears!"
My manga haul for June was a lot. 2 arent pictured which is Satans Secretary Vol. 1 and Angels of Death Vol. 3.
A lot of these are continueing series Ive been reading. Im actually really glad I got back into manga and anime.
Another June release I have on order but its awaiting new stock since it sold out fast. I was surprised actually because I didnt think it would be that popular, its called Konohana Kitan Vol.1. I also didnt get the new True Tenchi Muyo light novel. Ill buy it another time. Its not like I have watched Tenchi in like recent years.
July is a little more on the game side but manga will be about the same. I set a budget yall! Lets see if I follow it......