whoah, neverdead sounds nuts. what's the link to your channel again?
A Follow-Up To The Dark Souls Video
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![]() On 04/29/2013 at 09:39 AM by Chris Yarger ![]() See More From This User » |
I just wanted to take some time to do a couple of things in this blog.
First off, I just wanted to take the time to thank you all for the great feedback and positive vibes in regards to the first Dark Souls video. It’s great to see you all are liking it so far, and it’s also very motivating and pushing me to go further with it and give you all the best I can. I seem to be the go-to person for Soul’s related stuff, so it’s great to contribute in such a hands-on manner!
We currently have 3-5 videos shot at the moment (I can’t remember how many to be exact) so I’ll try to get one out to you as soon as possible this week! I’ve been rather stuck on a certain boss and his mutts (*Hint hint*), but I won’t let that hold me back.. It’s just difficult to work a Bow-Build in close quarters.
The last video we shot had a few ‘hiccups’, meaning that our computer was skipping while recording. But this is to be expected though; we’re always running into problems. I just bought a new PC last weekend solely for capturing footage, so hopefully everything works out and these tech issues go away. I just wanted to make you aware of this in case you think you’re missing something. That’s probably because the footage turned out to be unsalvageable and I just scrapped it. But if it gets scrapped, no fears because you won’t miss much, it’ll just be one of my struggles with that certain boss and his mutts.
Secondly, I’ve been playing NeverDead as of lately. It’s not a bad game, but it’s far from great. It’s basically about this guy who can’t die and kills demons. It’s as simple as that. The cool part is that you can’t truly die; instead you lose limbs and either have to regenerate them or reclaim them by rolling over them. You can even lose all your limbs and torso and simply be a head rolling around. While this concept seems simple enough in terms that you’ll never really get a game over, it’s easily thwarted by enemies swallowing your head, or you partner dying because this is kind of a giant fucking escort mission.
Regardless of the game and its faults (Escort missions just aren’t the same as Elizabeth from Bioshock), it’s still fun and entertaining even though it’s far from the best.
Ok, I’m done typing. I’ll get a new video to you all as soon as possible!!
And please make sure you subscribe to our channel! I don’t know if PixlBit will want me flooding their site with a bunch of videos or anything!