I could use a good pair of headphones, if for nothing else to listen to myself play guitar without making too much noise outside the amp. I can use the PS4 headphone, but I would prefer a better, stereo-quality way to listen.
Quick Hits: Headphones And Books
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Pixlpeeps how are you on this wonderful Friday afternoon? I had some things going on earlier in the morning during my normal Pixlchats with you folks. In the process of this morning activity I aggravated a back injury so I spent most of the morning on the floor until I got some Icy Hot patches and now I leave a Vicks-like aroma everywhere I wander. So I’m feeling a little better to the point where I can move around at a decent speed and can sit without feeling like I got kicked so here I am. Anyways let’s get started!
Chris Watches…
I took advantage of the add 2-3 dollars to the Spotify payment to get Hulu with limited commercials and I started watching…Rick Steves’ show that’s on PBS. Of all the content that’s available I go with something that’s offered for free on public television, yet I was happy to do so. Later on that night I binged watched Season 3 of Star Trek TNG with the return of Dr. Beverly Crusher. The commercials don’t bother me because it feels like watching regular TV and I get those important bathroom breaks. I filled out a list of stuff I really want to watch so at least when I fire up the app I know what to check out instead of more public television stuff.
Big Brother - CBS: Last night was easily the best episode of the season, heck the past two years…ok not as good as when Paul got screwed in the finals but still really good. For some reason everyone who wins Head of Household gets an inflated head and forget the fact that the power only lasts a week. Anyways there was a plan in motion where the HOH wanted Brett out so she put him up and Rachel who was supposed to be a pawn. Rachel freaked out and some used it as an excuse to send her home so when she got booted she basically ran out of the house. The crazy part was that her own alliance voted her out, and the person she thought was her close friend in the house basically turned on her. Ultimate Mean Girls moment.
Chris Reads…
I finished my latest Audio Graphic Novel aka “Movies In Your Mind” and it wasn’t bad. It involved Superman helping two other characters go back in time to fight the bad guy from Legends of Tomorrow, and was helped by Jonah Hex. For the most part it was a good read.
I started this book
And added it to my already backlog of books (amazing how I have backlogs in multiple hobbies). It doesn’t have chapters, its more like each page has one or two stories but little various random tidbits. I only added it to my Android tablet that I’m using as an ebook reader. Speaking of ebook reader I’m starting to debate if I should just break down and get the black and white Kindle reader. I like the size, and the fact that it doesn’t need to be charged everyday. The one problem is that it’s 70 with “special offers” (ads) and 100 without. I would go without ads so I need to wait a bit for a back to school sale.
2018 Goals Update
So since the last time I’ve been using Spotify when I’m out and about and only using the music on my phone when I really want to listen to something. Because of this I went through my phone’s 2000+ song playlist that I went from 2400+ to around 2100. Now my current list is 1100, give or take a track. I’m excited about this because I pulled songs I don’t really listen to, or songs that I’m sick of.
As for other goals I’m still working on my big music list and I’ve added two CD books.
Chris Updates His Headphones
If you have over the ear headphones for a couple of years, you know after awhile the fake leather starts to break down. Well the headband on my V-Moda’s fell apart and I bought a wrap for them and that worked for a bit until I saw a video where people use paracord to wrap it. I bought some and it works. I did the same thing for my pair of Audio Technica’s
I used the rest of the paracord that I had and it looks good. After finishing I noticed that the ear cups were in poor shape. I went on Amazon and I found some replacements from Brainwavez. They are bigger than the ones on my M50s and they offered replacements in different colors. They had gray and they had one pair that was red velour. I could go with normal or I could go with something more bright
Yeah I went with the red velour. They are comfy and the only problem is that I have to raise the volume a little bit but that’s ok especially if I can get more use out of my headphones.
Alright Pixlpeeps I need to call it here. I’d like to go stretch my back a bit and sitting is starting to be uncomfortable. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more later!