Rythm action (reboot Bust A Groove) and arcade racing (reboot Burnout).
I would also like a ryhtm action game that is also a platformer, where your character progresses through the level as you hit buttons in time.
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![]() On 08/12/2018 at 01:28 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Okay so quick question:
What's a genre of games you want to see more of?
For me there are two. I really like extreme sports games, especially skateboarding games and snowboarding titles but both seem to be a bit dead at the moment. I'd love to see a Skate 4, or a good Tony Hawks game. I'd love to see a new SSX title as well.
I'd also really like to see more action horror titles like Dead Space or Resident Evil 4. I don't care if they aren't scary or whatever I just like tense combat with limited supplies.
I want to see more train simulators, except I want one that simulates a model train set, not a real environment. Weird, I know.
Also more board game translations to digital format. I loved Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and Catan, but they've done nothing since except the usual Hasbro's Scrabble, Monopoly, and Risk.
I suggest Fortune Street on the Wii. It’s a really great board game done as a video game and it stars both Mario and Square Enix characters! It’s a lot like Monopoly, but it has things like a stock market that really changes the way the game is played. I reviewed it some time back: http://www.pixlbit.com/review/479/fortune_street_review
This isn't really a genre, but I'd like to see more games that I could really sink my teeth into like in the 16-bit days. It's hard to describe, but ever since I got the SNES Classic Edition last year, I've been thinking if I'd be perfectly happy playing nothing but 16-bit games from now on. Sure today's games can hook me, but it seems less frequent that they do.
As far as genres go, I'd like to see more top down action adventure games like classic Zelda. And RPGs that don't take 100s of hourse to complete. I am Setsuna was a step in the right direction with that.
There's tons of indie 16 bit games that are really good on steam and switch. Most are platformer or rogue likes but there area few really good rpgs there too. Like secret of grindea which is a 40ish hour RPG inspired by Secret of Mana. Or undertake which is a 10-20 hour RPG. Hopefully more come. I wish there were more 32 bit games though. Theyre freaking beautiful.
Single Player shooter. I really liked the story from last Black Ops game and zombie modes as well as Titanfall single player. There were some F.E.A.R.-like action shooter parts of Resident Evil 7 and DLC with Chris Redfield that I really enjoyed. Some elements of Monster Hunter World with the Bow feel like a shooter.
Also, horror fan, so more Evil Within 2, Resident Evil 2. Hopefully if RE2 is a smash, then we will see more RE remasters or similar types of clone games in the future. Would love a sequel to Left4Dead.
Me too, though it's looking like Bethesda might have us covered with Doom Eternal and Rage and the like. There's also the new Metro title coming out. Plus stalker 2 is officially being worked on again. I'd love another good Fear game though.
I really hope the evil within 3 gets made. Evil within 2 was such a massive step up that I'd love to see what they do next. Though 2 didn't sell well so it might not be likely.
3D platformers, both cartoony and cinematic (Tomb Raider, Uncharted, etc). More specifically, games in each genre that aren't afraid to challenge the player with their platforming. Something like Prince of Persia or Mario Galaxy 2 where there's all kinds of obstacles and timing needed more than Uncharted 2 or Mario Odyssey where there's very little challenge from the platforming.
I'd also like to see more rails shooters in the vein of Starfox or Sin and Punishment. Betting you're excited for that Resident Evil 2 remake considering your pick.
I'd love to see this make a comeback too. Tomb Raider gives us a little bit of that but I'd prefer something more focused on the platforming. And I would love another Jak and Daxter game.
Yup. I very much am looking forward to RE2 considering its a remake of my second favourite re game with the mechanics of my favourite re game.
Weirdly enough there are actually quite a few good ones on mobile now. There's even an original Smt game on there. I'd prefer them on a console but I'll take what I can get. Hopefully the switch picks up where the vita left off in that regard. And hey, octopath seems a pretty big hit so maybe we'll see another boom.
Proper stealth sims like Thief 1-3. No x-ray vision or teleporting. Combat is risky. Guards can see 10 feet above them. Multiple points of entry and egress. Verticality in level design. Detailed sound modeling.
Tatical turn based games with a deep strategic layer, like Jagged Alliance 2 and X-Com, made for both PC and consoles with at least AA level production.