That Genesis handheld looks awesome.
Portable Gaming Goodness
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![]() On 09/06/2018 at 12:22 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Well good morning Pixlpeeps! Over the past week I’ve actually played some games, as crazy as it sounds. The best part of this is that most of the gaming was done not the freemium iPad games (I did play my fair share of those as well) but I also played some games on Steam, and some portable goodness. Let’s get started.
Chris Plays…
NCAA Football 14 - PS3: Yes more college football especially since college football is back on TV. The Minutemen are now one game away from a second perfect regular season with a convincing win against Bowling Green. The crazy thing is that the last three games are against the best teams in the conference and the Minutemen are playing like a pro team against a college team. I’m not complaining and hopefully it pushed UMass past it’s number 3 ranking and into the Championship Game.
Ridge Racer Unbounded - Steam: I’m playing more of this game and I’m starting to really like it. For the most part I’m over the fact that it feels sluggish and now I just want to unlock the remaining two districts on the map. Once this happens then I will go back through the game and try to unlock all three stars in each race.
Mariokart 8 - Switch: I started this game last night and well more or less it reminds me of the Mariokart on the 3DS. That’s not a bad thing but I was kind of expecting more. Maybe my view will change as I get deeper in the game but at this point it feels like the same game I played already. This isn’t a knock on the game especially since I like Mariokart but it doesn’t have that “Oh Wow” feel of a new game.
Wordscapes - iPad: This was a game I saw an ad for while playing WWE Supercard and I’m glad I gave it a try. I went ahead and downloaded the game, played the first four sections and then went ahead and spent $2.99 to get the game without in-game ads.
In the game you are presented with a crossword puzzle and all the words in this puzzle can be spelled with the five available letters. You just drag your finger to each letter and when you let go the word will be placed on the puzzle. The words have to be at least three letters long, and they follow Scrabble rules. There are some puzzles that have the regular puzzle as well as a puzzle and a bonus word. The bonus word is worth some extra coins. If you spell a word that isn’t in the puzzle but is a word it will go into a bonus folder where at the end of the puzzle if correctly solved these words are worth coins.
Since this is a freemium game there are items that can help the game play like a bullseye that reveals a letter, hints, and this other option that is represented by a rocket. I have no idea what this one does. Each option cost at least 100 coins. Everyday there is a free daily puzzle and free gift that is either coins or a power-up.
The Portable Goodness…
A couple of days ago I decided to charge up and play my little Sega Genesis handheld I bought during a Black Friday a couple of years ago. It’s a little smaller than an iPhone 6s + but it is a solid little machine.
With a 4GB SD card (It won’t read anything bigger) you can have the entire Sega Genesis catalog along with the 30 or so games that came pre-installed. I played two games: Mortal Kombat and College Football.
A,B,A,C,A,B,B at the screen where the MK story starts to write itself works fine, but when I tried to do the level editor cheat at the select screen it wouldn’t work (Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down) because the D-Pad is a little squishy and I think I keep hitting Down and Right. I’ve got it to load before, but this time not so much. I played a couple of matches and I won one, lost one but the one I did win I pulled off the Sub-Zero Fatality. FINISH HIM!
College Football felt like a brand new game because I really haven’t played it in years.
I played a quarter before calling it a day, and the plays layout was a happy flashback to high school. I was partial to the football Sega branded football games over the EA games because they felt faster and had smoother animations, I was still happy to take this nostalgia trip. This little handheld is going to go on trips with me from now on.
The Greatest Show on Turf
NFL Blitz - GBA: I tried this game after my Sega Genesis handheld and well this game is hot garbage. There wasn’t as much detail, and the game just looked back overall. I played one series and I was over it. I guess at the time the GBA was release this was supposed to be good.
Other Gaming News...
I found my original Switch power plug. I have no idea how it ended up in the laundry basket but when I was getting the dirty clothes ready to be sorted there it was. Now my other generic plug can stay plugged in while the original can be brought with the Switch when I take it on trips.
I stopped playing Asphalt 9 on the iPad. I was burned out on the grind games I am currently playing, and Asphalt was the game I wasn’t having any fun with. Marvel Strike Force I still like because I have a solid squad, same with Disney Super Heroes and the group I am a member of is really good. WWE Supercard is just fun to collect cards and constantly upgrade. Asphalt was the odd man out and I have no regrets.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off, have a good week!
That’s all for now, more later!