Luckily for me, I can usually wait to buy games until they go on sale or I can find them used. This month, I was very bad and bought two new games. But II understand your dilemma.
A Kiwami Dilemma
On 09/08/2018 at 12:53 AM by Super Step See More From This User » |
Since Kiwami means Extreme, not really. It's a pretty mild problem; also one I only have the luxury of being entwined in because I'm still looking for gainful employment.
But I'm loving my playthrough of Yakuza Kiwami 2 in the midst of so many games releasing I get exhausted just thinking about it. Oh, and recording a yakuza-themed podcast with Julian for Nerds Without Pants didn't help my yakuza fever. But Yakuza games are HUGE and I want to make room for:
Spider-Man most of all
Tomb Raider Reboot Part III next (that one might be a sale-priced pickup, since I doubt the gameplay has changed in any significant way; but I do love the gameplay in the first two)
and I still want to buy Detroit: Become Human and progress beyond level one or whatever in my copy of God of War. Oh, and I never did finish Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Meanwhile, I played Life is Strange 2's demo, Captain Spirit and that game will likely be a day one purchase. At least it's just one episode. I've also been playing A Hat in Time, which scratches my Gamecube-era 3D platformer itch so well in ways Yooka Laylee just wasn't well-designed enough to pull off. My only complaint is even with mechanics more suited for the game, STEALTH SECTIONS NEED TO STAY IN STEALTH GAMES.
Not to mention there are games like Red Dead Redemption 2 on my holiday radar. I should play 1 first, but I'm not buying a PS3 to do so.
At least I finished the main storyline and a huge chunk of the side content in both Yakuza 6 and Gravity Rush 2 recently.
I also might renew my PS+ contract so I can play God of War III and get other "freebies" that are usually better quality around the holidays.
My kiwami problem: the extreme amount of blockbuster games getting released these days. I know you're all playing DQXI, but for my pocket book's sake, I am SO happy I don't enjoy that genre.
And I just realized I can buy Cuphead and Doom for my gaming PC. No way I can actually buy ALL of this stuff and stay within budget though. FOMO is a bitch.