A Streamed version of Assassin's Creed?
Edit: Just looked. Only in Japan. Same for Resident Evil 7.
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![]() On 09/14/2018 at 03:56 PM by Matt Snee ![]() See More From This User » |
A shitload of new games and ports were announced for Switch at the new Nintendo Direct, including classic final fantasy games (FF12 on a handheld!), a new Luigi's Mansion, and even a streaming version of the new Assassin's Creed. In addition, there are new ports of Cities: Skylines, Civilization 6, and even Wasteland 2 for god's sake. Personally, I bought Final Fantasy XV - Pocket Edition, originally a mobile game I played on my iPad, but it choked on my Air 2, so I wanted it on Switch where I'm sure it runs better.
I also bought Iconclasts recently. Check out Nick's great review on the front page of the site. Looks good.
The Switch is becoming one of my favorite gaming consoles ever, mostly because I love handheld playing, and there're just so many damn games it's hard to keep up. I love the hardware, and no doubt the games are just going to keep coming. I had been hoping and waiting they'd announce Final Fantasy games, and I bet Octopath Traveller's success had something to do with it.
Anyway, I'm hyped. In other news, I've been staying up late at night to play Dragon Quest 11, which is just an amazing game. Tami and Peter are much farther than me, but I'm working on it.
Full Civilization game on the Switch? How? Why? I mean, great! I want to play that. What about Civilization Revolution? I guess they managed to get the full Civ experience to work on consoles now. Maybe it'll be workable using touch controls instead?
Darn you with your and your friends playing DQXI. Ah!!!
The Switch has a real shot at being my favorite system ever. It has Valkyria Chronicles, Final Fantasy, (hopefully) Dragon Quest, Doom, and a lot of surprise games that I might get just because they're on Switch (i.e. Civ 6, Wasteland 2), plus Zelda, Mario, a real Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, and and even the arcade versions of Donkey Kong and Mario Bros that Nintendo couldn't even get for the Wii, Wii U, or 3DS.
I'm liking all the Final Fantasy stuff. I have all those games already, but I'll probably at least get FF7, FF12, and FF9 on Switch, those are my favorites out of the series and any excuse to replay them will suffice. Wish they had 8 and Tactics on there.
I love the Switch. I've already amassed a ridiculous number of games (both physical and digital) for it. I'm ignoring it at the moment because of Dragon Quest XI but I still fire it up daily to see what's new.
I just bought the FF XV Pocket Edition on it last week. My son is using it in handheld mode to play Darkest Dungeon and Captain Toad. That way I get all the time I want with Dragon Quest.