I just remembered something I have to share. Do you recall that game Operation:Wolf in the arcades, where the Uzi was the controller and you pointed it at the screen shooting people? It was kind of the precursor to the Terminator game. I used to play it a lot, but it was kind of shitty, but I had fun. Anyway, I remember once I was in an arcade and an adult was playing Operation: Wolf and he was saying "Fuck you!" loud every time he killed someone. He'd be like, "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you!" I don't know why I remembered that but it's always made me laugh.
Things are okay here, but my football team, the Eagles totally sucked today. I think they have a Superbowl hangover. Plus, they're missing a lot of people including their starting quarterback. Either way, they sucked.
I'm slowly working my way through Dragon Quest, but probably won't play today as I'm watching football. I'm really hyped about FF12 coming to Switch next year. That is the perfect handheld game.
I've been talking to Yarger as he plays Spiderman, but I think he finished it now. He loves it. Looking forward to it eventually.