Well hello Friday and thank you for sticking with the trend of below normal temperatures. It is really nice to be able to keep the windows open past noon especially for the last couple of months it has been all about the air conditioning. Anyways on Wednesday I wrote about my experiences at my garage sale and it continues but later on in this rambling piece I like to call Quick Hits. Today is mostly about the random things I bought over the past couple of weeks, and if that doesn’t interest you, we’re still good and I’ll see you on Monday when I complain about whatever game I’m playing. For everyone else let’s get started because it’s Friday, and I kinda want an ice coffee and donut, and the closest thing that offers both is Dunkin so I’ll be there after I finish here.
Tales From The Garage Sale Part II
My garage sale officially ended last night when a nice gentlemen bought my remaining records. There were 210 in the bin, and I threw in 3 additional records that I bought awhile back but never listened to. I’m officially out of the record buying game. Like I told people who told me about their collections, I like records, I just don’t LOVE records. I’m a CD guy. I like having the small form, and being able to rip my CDs and have them sitting on my phone in minutes. Records I would have to clean them, play them while recording, and then split up the tracks. Of course there are the pops and hisses that give records their charm and while I like that, I love having just the digital track.
Again I kept a few that mean a lot to me, like certain 12” singles, a couple of albums, all the Disney records I’ve come across, and my weird collection of different releases of The Sound of Music, but that’s it. We had a good run, but I’m ready to just focus on CDs. I’ll still look through thrift stores hoping to add to my small collection but other than that I’m done.
Chris Watches…
Brooklyn Nine Nine - Hulu
Ok so I’ve been trying to use my Hulu account and get more use out of it than I did with my old Netflix account, and this is one of the shows I started watching and I’ve been missing out. This show is freaking hilarious because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. I’m still on season 1 but this is easily my go to show when nothing is on regular TV. I’ll add this show to my must buy stuff on Black Friday.
Since my graphics card stopped working I’ve gone back to playing games other than Football on the PS3, and PS4, and other than the long updates (step your game up Sony) I’ve had a good time. The drawback is that I have to go back to GameStop and let’s be honest, that store would be 10000000% better if I could pay without having to interact with the employees. Let’s clarify this: there are a handful of employees who are good at customer service. This isn’t a shot at them. They’re nice, friendly, let you shop, and just overall let you do your thing. I love those people. I’m happy to interact with those people. Now for a good 80-90% of the time there are the folks who I am talking about. Constantly hovering around you, wanting to know if you want to trade/buy/pre-order XYZ, or in the cast that I got on my second visit, guy who would rather talk in the back with his boss while people were in line, and then casually get your games while being enthralled in the video that is currently on repeat on the TV, and here’s the kicker asks if you want to buy their card and when they get a no, sarcastically says “Well I guess you don’t want to save money.” No genius its not that, its I don’t want to pad your numbers because you need to hit a minimum to keep the job that you are terrible at. This is why I wear headphones in that store.
Anyways rant over, and here is what I bought on two trips. The first trip had the nice employee while the second was well you kinda know who I got on the second trip.
I’m currently scratching the racing bug with these two. Redout I own on PC but you know, so I’ll endure the install update once I finish Need For Speed and I can free up that space.
I’m currently playing Madden with the LA Rams. I haven’t installed Has Been Heroes. I wanted to try it on the Switch but when it’s a couple of bucks on the PS4, I’ll play it there and then toss it on the next Garage Sale pile.
I was excited to find this game because I do like the plastic instrument genre, I kinda like Green Day, but when I got home it turns out I have no idea where I placed the USB plug for my plastic guitar.
This is just for my Madden collection. I’ll probably try a couple of games but that’s about it.
From Target I picked this album up
I have Tony Bennett’s previous album with Lady Gaga, and I was shocked to see this on the shelf. I love Diana Krall so this is a must for me.
Hot Wheels
So I found Hot Wheels at Walmart and at GameStop of all places.
I bought this car at Walmart and its going to be opened and placed under my TV because I thought it looked cool especially because of this
No hood.
The next two cars were my GameStop find after I already paid for the game I bought. I figured let’s take a quick look and see what they have and well
I found something good. I found a Super Treasure Hunt Indy 500 Oval! I’m not hard core into Hot Wheels but I do know to look for the hard to find cars that have the flame inside a circle logo behind the car
And to look for the TH anywhere on the car body
There’s also no number on the top right of the card. This is what I look for first. Anyways they’re made in smaller numbers, they have different paint, and the wheels are from a different line. This is the second one I’ve found this year because I don’t think resell guy hits these spots. I’m happy, and I got another cool looking VW truck that I’ll send to my uncle who is into VW’s.
Alright Pixlpeeps I really want that ice coffee with a French Cruller so I shall end my ramblings here. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more later!