You reminded me that my plan for my next computer was going to be an ipad and a bluetooth keyboard. Then I can play Civ Rev 2 and Plants vs zombies 2 while pretending to work.
Quick Hits: I'm Outside Again
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![]() On 10/19/2018 at 12:38 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Well good morning Pixlpeeps! I thought for today I would try a different setup and instead of using the travel laptop I would go with the good old iPad and Bluetooth keyboard.
I like this setup because it is only the iPad, and a keyboard. I use the iPad a ton and why not bring a keyboard to do the word stuff for it. This is what sold me on devices like the iPad Pro, and the Surface GO/Pro where you have a laptop replacement, or for the Surface a full on tablet that can be a computer. I think next overnight trip I am going with this setup to see how it goes. Heck I should go to Starbucks and be like all the other folks with MacBook’s sitting watching YouTube while pretending to work.
Chris Listens To...
On Spotify the soundtrack to Bohemian Rhapsody is in the new releases so as I type this I am listening to it
I have most of Queen’s discography so in theory I should have most of the songs on this album but I might get it anyways. I mean you can’t go wrong with more Queen in your library, right?
Since my gaming graphics card decided to retire, I reclaimed some space on my second hard drive in my laptop and I had about 200GB of new space so I added a lot of digital music from the external drive to my laptop and I’m starting to go through it and only keep the songs I like while removing the stuff that just didn’t click with me and of course the filler that most albums from the 90s had (skits and interludes that were useless). I decided to not bring over live records because some of the bootlegs are just recordings of concerts and they sound like crap.
*Killer Queen is currently playing and it reminds me of Guitar Hero.
Chris Reads...
I still haven’t picked up a book in a couple of weeks but last night while browsing the FreeBooks Reddit page (I think it’s r/FreeBooks) I added a couple of history books from Amazon that look interesting that I will check out later on today. I also have a goal of jumping back into the comics I pulled that deal with the Thanos story arc. I started awhile ago before the Avengers flick was released but never stuck with it, but I figure I should do it now, especially with Black Friday rapidly approaching and most likely the Blu-Ray will be on sale.
*Ok so a couple of times already I’ve reached out for a mouse. It feels funny to have to touch a screen instead of just move the cursor with a mouse.
None. I thought about buying this number game on the iPad but I really need to actually finish some of the games I actually spent money on.
*Bohemian Rhapsody is currently playing. Thanks Wayne’s World!
From the local mom and pop shop in the mall I found a couple of CDs.
From the $1.99 section I found Les Miserables and Tomb Raider, The Cradle of Life. Les Mis is a replacement for the double record I sold at my garage sale. The record probably sounds better but hey I do love CDs. Tomb Raider is just to complete the two CDs from the two flicks. Ramones is a 2CD and CD sized picture book I got for $10. Apparently the owner of the store bought a collection that had a lot of these Anthology/box sets because above the wall rack of $1.99 CDs they were all displayed. They also had a really nice Beatles box set of all their studio albums in a nice plastic case. It was nice but $100 is a little too steep for me. Congrats to whoever buys it!
None, but I did see this at Walmart
It is freaking Devastator! I never had this set but I did have the funky bootleg Chinese one as a kid. I got it from the swap meet and to me it was the same as the regular Transformers (it was most likely not) but for $10 I got it. My dad and my uncle each chipped in $5. Fun memories. Anyways $72 is a bit much for this but they did have a $30 Starscream that I am seriously debating on buying.
I never had him but I did have Thunderclap and having these toys in the boxes I remember is really cool.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good weekend! I think after I edit and upload the pics I need to get my weekend going.
That’s all for now, more later!