Only game I've played here is Spyro trilogy. Haven't beat it yet, but likely will. Nice year for beating games!
14 Games Beat in 2018
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![]() On 12/31/2018 at 09:07 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
I beat 14 games this year guys! I still...bought...alot....but I did atleast conquer some of the ones I did buy. Thats a plus....right?
January-Pokemon Ultra Moon
January-Persona 5
January-Kirby Planet Robobot
Febuary-Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
March-Fire Emblem Warriors
March-Kirby Star Allies
May-Monster Hunter World
June-Splatoon 2*Single Player Campaign*
July-Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
July-YS8:Lacrimosa Of Dana
August-Octopath Traveler
August-Assassins Creed Origins
October-Dragon Quest 11
December-Spyro Reiginted Trilogy
I gonna stick with the 12 games a year goal. Its seems to help me finish games and stay motivated to do so.
I honestly cant say I hated any of these games. They all were enjoyable and fun. Well.....the Octo expansion will drive you up the wall so dont say I didnt warn you. I do have some favorites!
1.Dragon Quest 11-I absolutely love this game. Its characters were its most shining part and the fuckings twist at the end that starts post game was a mind fuck in itself. I didnt see it coming and it added another good chunk of hours to playing the game. When this game comes to Switch Im double dipping and playing it again. I love it that damn much. Highly recommend for any RPG Lovers and even if you dont play RPGs I suggest giving it a chance.
2.Persona 5-I finally finished Persona 5 this year. It almost took a damn year but I got there. Damn was it a roller coaster. A good one at that. Im so happy with how great this game turned out. It took it out of the park for me, the dungeons were fun to run through, it was challenging, the plot kept me hooked, and it had some really good bad guys. It really made me hate a lot of the villians and the boss fights were kickass.
3.Monster Hunter World-Im big into Monster Hunter so when World got annouced I was excited but also disappointed. Im used to MH being a portable series. Ive been playing it since MH3U and while I mostly played the Wii U verison it was MH4U on 3DS that really got me hooked. So losing the portable side of it kinda hurt. Id literally take a downgraded verison on Switch right now then the PS4 verison. I can say though that World is an excellent game and an excellent MH title at that. Its super beginner friendly and it eases you in the method of the madness of these type of games. It wont throw you to the wolves terribly fast and the online side has I think been a bit more on the friendly side.
4.Octopath Traveler-Guys there seems to be a trend with RPGs this year. They had a lot of good ones. This one is certainly no exception to that. I enjoyed some of this game, from the characters, their special little dialogues with each other at certain points, to the battles with insane bosses that came more to life during the fight, right down to all the places you visit for each other their stories. I will say this one is grind heavy. You have to grind quite a bit if you plan to finish each characters story and see their own ending. I can say its worth it all day long but I can also respect when someone prefers grindless or less grindy games. Its a time sink.
5.Is kinda a tie between YS8 and Assassins Creed Origins-These both are great games. Both very different from each other of course so there is no comparing them but they both kept me hooked for the ride they gave. They both played relatively smooth and had interesting characters and settings. Have I told yall I love Egypt? Ive loved its history and lore since I was little. YS8 does have a weird true ending but I dont mind a weird ending. The question is where does this series go from there? Im curious to find out. Assassins Creed on the other hands wasnt nesscarily a weird or bad ending but it left me wondering why the main character was the main character? Like the ending became more about his wife than of him. I will say I havent cared much for the older Assassins Creed titles but this changed my mind about them.