Your’s is the first of the BaD posts I’ve read. I’m amazed and delighted that this idea that started among the 1Up community was transplanted here on PixlBit and is still going strong each year. I look forward to reading yoi future BaD posts!
BaD #1: I'm BaD, and that's good!
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![]() On 02/01/2019 at 12:00 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Blog a Day #1
Hello everyone, how are you? First off, Happy New Year! And now back to your regularly scheduled post. Another year means another Blog a Day. I wasn't exactly absent like I was last year, but I did play some great games. I mentioned that I got a PS4 late in 2017 so I played some really great games on it last year. And on the Switch too.
Like last year, here is the obligatory "Here's what I'm gonna post for BaD" BaD post:
Currently Playing: Games I'm currently playing
Currently Watching: Anime, cartoons, movies and the like
Things I'm looking forward to purchasing
My 2018 Games of the Year, which will be per platform, otherwise it'll be text Tetris
Anticipated Games: Games I'm looking forward to this year
And whatever other topic or so that I can come up with
As I do every year since I started participating in Blog a Day, I'll be focusing on different topics. I know people love focusing on a single topic for the month, which is abolutely fine. But not me. I feel it's pretty difficult focusing on a single topic for a long time and it can get... pretty boring since it can be really repetitive. You might think it's more difficult focusing on different topics but I actually like a challenge. Plus it'll be fun and I like having variety. Like you can only talk about a topic for so long before it becomes stale.
I'll still have my annual Q/A thing where you ask me stuff and I'll do my best to answer them. I'll have another post where you can drop questions and will reply to them at a later date. You can ask me anything so as long as it doesn't get me banned from the site.
And with that, this is obviously the most boring of the Blog a Day posts I'll have, which made my earlier statement redundant. It hasn't been that long since I posted something but it has been a while. But yes, looking forward to participating again this year. This might also be the very first Blog a Day post as in the very first one to kick off Blog a Day. And I guess that should be it. Thanks for reading and...