In the grand history of video games, there are few things as satifying as smashing a trashcan on someone's head in River City Ransom. While by no means a perfect game (not by a longshot), it can be a deliciously fun game to play, and my brother and I spent long hours kicking ass in it in our youth.
It's definitely a step above the Double Dragon games in complexity, with roleplaying elements and more complex, almost open world design. But sometimes these added features get a bit confusing when all you want to do is beat dudes up.
Still, it can be very fun, and insanely chaotic sometimes. Plus it's got grest music.
The RPG elements were lost on my brother and I as kids, and as a result the game was too tough in the endgame. Not only that, but in the last level (a high school), there's a bottomless pit that will end your game real quick if both players fall into it.
Nevertheless, I did have a great time playing this game on the NES when I was a kid.