Gamewise, April was a productive month. Take a look!
Games Beaten
-Mega Man Powered Up (PSP)
This is one of the first games I got when I bought a PSP in late 2011 but I got stuck at the Yellow Devil (first Wiley stage) and never finished it. But a little determination and bullheadedness saw me through to the end in April. This game has so much content! According to my save file, I've completed only 5%. That's because you can unlock the robot masters as playable characters in addition to three difficulty levels. Oh, and not counted in that percentage are the ten challenge levels for each character. I think I've completed maybe a fifth of those. This game could keep you busy for a long long time.
Powered Up, which itself is more of a reimagining, also includes a complete remake of the original Mega Man with PU's assets. It's a much less forgiving game but I managed to fight my way through and best Wiley again. So technically it counts as two games beaten 
-BioShock Infinite (360)
This game just blew my socks off. The world is incredibly detailed, the combat is fun and offers lots of variety, and the story is great. I'm sure it will drop in price before long because of the number of copies floating around, but the sooner you can play this the better, I say.
-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
When I got too frustrated with Demon's Souls to continue with it, I popped in Uncharted 2, a game I've been meaning to play for a long time. And it did not disappoint! The graphics grabbed me right away. This is probably the best-looking game I've ever seen, and it came out in 2009! I'm usually not a stickler for such things but U2 is a graphical powerhouse. Plus the story and characters are good and the gameplay is a lot of fun. It's just an all-around great game and I'm glad I finally played.
-Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
Finally! I've been playing this game for over a year. And by "playing" I mean "mostly not playing." The main probelm with the game is that the ground combat is physically awkward to control. It was much easier once I got a 3DS XL and that's one of the main reasons I was able to finally finish it. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game and a definite showcase for the 3DS hardware. Like Mega Man Powered Up, it has a ton of content. Hundreds of challenges for the campaign levels, like beating a level within an allotted time or with a specific weapon, would keep completionists busy for months and there's also online multiplayer. I wish I could spend more time with it but really, I've spent enough already and want to get on to other things.
Games Bought
The shortest list so far this year!
-Demon's Souls (PS3; PS+)
Aw, yes...
-HarmoKnight (3DS)
I won this from PixlBit's blog contest 
Now Playing
-Rocket Knight (PSN)
I loved the SNES game Sparkster (sorry, Genesis fans, I haven't played the other games in this series) and so I've been excited to try this downloadable follow up. It's fun, certainly, and I love zooming around with that jetpack again, but it's missing an intangible something that made the old game so good. I'm disappointed with the music though. The old music was sooo catchy but this is just generic orchestral stuff 
-HarmoKnight (3DS)
This is a really cool rhythm game that plays like a platformer. I'm through the second world and really liking it. Game Freak needs to make non-Pokemon games more often.
-LocoRoco 2 (PSP)
Picked this up again after more than a year of it just sitting by. I like it but just got distracted away from it before. It's a very weird Japanese game, and that's pretty awesome.
-Guild Wars 2 (Mac)
We didn't play much in April but that's okay. I think I'm up to level 28 or so.
And that was April! So what have you guys been playing?