That Man from UNCLE movie is actually pretty damn good.
BaD Day 02: What Chris Is Playing
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![]() On 02/04/2019 at 12:42 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Yesterday while getting supplies for my little Super Bowl lunch the local grocery store was full of Rams jerseys. I live in Southern California, which I like to call the Bandwagon Capital of the USA because during the NBA Finals there were a ton of Golden State Warriors jerseys. Anyways after yesterday’s game I will probably see the same amount of people back to wearing Cowboys/Raiders jerseys. Congrats Patriots fans!
For today’s What Chris Is Listening To
Because of one of my favorite scenes in The Man From UNCLE
The day before the Super Bowl I finished my Madden 5 on 5 Season
Dallas Vs. Tennessee. The Cowboys won 30-0 and it was over quickly. The QB would always try to run if their wasn’t anyone open so all I had to do was sit back and wait before taking him out.
I’m thinking about playing through a season of Tecmo Bowl on the DS that I bought years ago. It plays just like Tecmo Super Bowl except no real teams. The fun is still there, and it is currently sitting in my 3DS. With the start of the new football league this week, it might be fun to play a non NFL Branded game.
Titanfall 2 - PS4: I just played through a level that reminded me of Guacamelee because the puzzle to get through the game involved switching between time periods, kind of like how Guac you could switch between dark and light to get through sections. Instead of fleeing through I would hop back and forth between time and just hitting the bad guy in the face. You could hear things like “he moves to fast” (something like that) which made me feel like Nightcrawler from X-Men when he would just appear. Fun level but this whole flipping between periods actually started to get me sick after a bit but that was towards the end so I just shut it down once the level was completed.
Disney Emoji Blitz had an Up event and I finally got the dog that used to be a special emoji if you had 9 people on your Friend’s List (I had 8). I got him, the old guy, and the kid, and yeah I don’t know their names.
The night before the Super Bowl, and maybe some parts during the game I started playing this game
Think endless runner with a car. Now I know I said I’m over the Pay to Win games but this one you really don’t get handicapped if you don’t use actual money. You start out with a car and for some coins you can unlock upgrades, also after reaching the “end” of the level by hitting a certain distance and earning a cup a new level is available to purchase with in game currency. This price increases as you progress but if you run through a level, you usually get a couple of hundred coins. You can buy a coin doubler for $4 if you can’t wait, but if you just play one or two games here and there you can eventually reach unlock everything.
After an hour of play I maxed out the freebie car, bought a second car with better base specs, and unlocked three levels. The best part of the game is that there are no ads.
Alright Pixlpeeps I really want some of my “homemade” pizza, I really just bought a regular pepperoni pizza from the local Winco, and bought extra toppings and made a little mountain of extra pepperoni, sausage, and cheese before I get going.
That’s all for now, more tomorrow!