I'm going to have to check out this Andy McKee guy, aren't I?
BaD 2019 - Blog #7: Drifting
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![]() On 02/11/2019 at 09:49 PM by Nick DiMola ![]() See More From This User » |
Back to Monday. Another new week. The weekend definitely wrapped up nicely for me though. Andy McKee was absolutely stunning to see live. His music has always meant a lot to me and seeing him perform it live transported me completely.
The club I saw him in, Caffe Lena, was also really cool. It was kind of hidden and it was up on the second floor. Once you got inside, there was a small stage up in the front left corner of the room. Along the left side there were windows overlooking downtown Saratoga and the whole room was incredibly small. Peppered throughout were small tables that sat a max of four people, and along the back wall, couches with a coffee table in front of them. The entire place could only hold a maximum of around 100 people, so it was very intimate.
Andy went through a variety of tunes, covered Don Ross and Michael Hedges, and did an encore where he played Drifting, which is what got me into his music in the first place. It was an amazing night and I'd go see him again in a heartbeat and gladly visit Caffe Lena again as well to see other artists in the same vein.
Outside of that, my weekend was very chill. I finished up Travis Strikes Again, so expect a review to hit the front page very soon with my thoughts. I'm also planning to do a review on killer7, which will clear out my queue of games to review just in time for Crackdown 3. I did start up on Starlink this weekend and it seemed fun enough. I'm not sure it's totally a game for me, but I'm going to try to stick with it and see where it goes.
It looks like some snow is due here tomorrow. I dropped off my car to the mechanic today to fix a few issues and that'll be ready in the morning, so I'm thinking I'll end up working from home tomorrow that way I can pick the car up as soon as it's ready and avoid having Chessa bring me to and from work.
Hope everyone else had a great weekend and I'll see you all tomorrow!