I own most of these games. Huge time sinks is all I'm saying. Enjoyable time sinks, but time sinks nonetheless.
Blog #4
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![]() On 05/02/2013 at 09:04 PM by jgusw ![]() See More From This User » |
I've been busy lately. I got a new job last week and the hours will take some getting use to. I only work 4 days one week and 3 days the next, but they are 12 hour shifts that alternate days & nights. My life will be a bit more busy for a while until my wife has our 5th child in a couple months. So yeah, my gaming playing is a bit messed up now.
Games I'm Playing:
Ni No Kuni (PS3)
I'm almost 20hrs in and I'm not sick of it yet. It's a damn good game and looking forward to what happens next. I do hope somewhere along the line, I run into a spell that will warp me around the world. There's a bit of back tracking, especially if you do the side missions, so I hope a warp spell or something comes along to speed up the traveling.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS)
I'm still making progress in DoS. I took a couple days off from playing it, but I'm back on it now. The bosses are pretty easy if I sort of prepare for the battles. I should have no trouble beating this game.
Mass Effect (PS3)
I'll be honest right up front. This is the worse version of Mass Effect I have ever played. The PS3 version does look a little better than the 360 version, but it has more problems. It has some of the same glitches as the 360 version and then some. The worst problem with the game is that is stops during the saving & loading. It takes forever. At least it fills like it takes forever. I had to turn off the auto save because it was pissing me off. The 360 has the same problem, but it's no where near as long. A few times it too so long that I thought the game had crashed. To play the game you have to install it to the PS3. Why does it take so long to save & load?
Bioshock (360)
It's a bit on hold now, but I haven't forgotten it. As soon as I manage my time better, I'll get back on it.
Games I Bought:
Mass Effect Trilogy (PS3) - Though I'm not that happy with how ME1 is turning out, it's still ME. I love ME.
SMT: Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers (3DS) - Now I need a 3DS to play it on.
Pandora's Tower (Wii) - I hope I can get to this game this year, but I have my doubts.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP) - I got it off PSN a couple days ago. I think I can play it on the PSP, PS3, and Vita.
Cross Edge (PS3) - It didn't take long for me to find another copy.
Doom 3: BFG Edition (360) - I never really played Doom before, so here's my chance to play all the games and it cost me less than $20.
Games I Preordered and Working on Getting:
Time and Eternity (PS3) - A friend shared a vid with me about this game and I was sold. It looks like an interesting game.
Project X Zone (3DS)
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) - Hopefully I can get this soon.
Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP) - Same with this game.
That's all I got. Hopefully I can do another blog in a couple weeks. And hopefully by then a couple games will be finished.