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BaD 18: Grey Teen

On 02/26/2019 at 01:14 PM by Super Step

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day 2019

My GRIS review is posted, so I can finally share the link:

Check it out and tell me what you think. I'm actually quite proud of some of the editing in this one (even if audio is still hard to balance just right).

Now to finish Iris.Falls and do that review. Probably LiS2 as well, which I'm still pissed you have to buy all at once. 

Movie review hot takes:

Bohemian Rhapsody is fun, but also kinda paint-by-numbers biopic and it felt more like a concert than a full-blown movie at times, I really wish I'd seen it with an audience, cause Queen has some great tunes and I bet audiences loved it, but watching home alone doesn't really do it any favors. The Live Aid concert footage is awesome though. 

A Star Is Born is just a great movie all-around, heart-wrenching, down-to-Earth, features top-notch acting, great music, etc. I also wish I'd seen this in theaters and so far it's what I'd have picked for Best Picture out of the nominees I have seen (still need to see Roma, Green Book, and The Favourite). 

I started watching a little of the Mr. Rogers doc, but at that point it was after midnight and I fell asleep. 

I need to start gaming again. Luckily, my bullshit GLaD blogs are just around the corner. :)



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