The SuperNintendo game, "Spiderman and the X-Men: Arcade's Revenge" was another game that one of my friends had but I never possessed. I would play it at his house. I was older then...15 I guess, and my gaming was waning in the face of drugs and girls. But I did play stuff occasionally. The game was released in 1992, to mostly negative reviews, but I had been a huge Marvel fan when I was younger, and that fandom made me overlook the so-so graphics and imprecise controls.
Team-ups like that were common in comic books, in fact I still have the issues where Spiderman teams up with X-Force for a bit against Juggernaut. So it made sense for a game with that gimmick. It's too bad it wasn't that good. I don't think I got very far in it... at least until you could be Wolverine, which was fun.
My friend had a brother, and upstairs in their house they had a "game room". It included their Genesis, SNES, and a MSDOS PC for games. I remember playing many a Madden game there, but I'll get to that another time.
It's funny that these days when Marvel is everywhere, there are so few Marvel games. I remember there being a ton on the 16 bit systems - for the Xmen, Spiderman, the Hulk, etc. I wish there were more now.