I'm not really interested in the online mode for Tetris, but I might pay ten bucks for the offline mode. Tetris is fun.
More Switch Freebie Games
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![]() On 05/14/2019 at 12:29 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
You would think by this point I would have stopped playing free-to-play games on the Switch but here we are again and I am about to talk about more freebie games that I’ve been playing. Yup, F2P, not the games I used actual money on…well I might sprinkle in one game, but the majority of my game play has been nothing but free-2-play.
-I’m starting to hit the point where I am getting tired of Gems of War. I played through all the kingdoms, and I started going through the section that has 35-40 matches that are basically spots for the user to grind their little hearts out, which I am doing. I’m doing ok, I earned a ton of coin a day, give some of that wealth to the guild in hopes of unlocking some cool stuff but overall I still don’t know if I’m maximizing my effort for whatever upgrades I can get. Don’t get me wrong I am still enjoying it but there is a nagging feeling that I could be earning more for my time.
-I saw in the Nintendo eShop that there is DLC for Tetris 99 which includes an offline mode. Now I do love Tetris, so I tried out Tetris 99 to see if spending the $10 is worth it for this DLC as well as any future DLC that is released. If you don’t know Tetris 99 is an online game where you and 98 other folks try clear lines of blocks while trying to screw over each other by adding blocks to their screen. It’s actually quite enjoyable especially once you hit 50 remaining players and then it gets faster. The highest I have ever hit was 19th. I like to think that is a respectable place especially if I started playing the game an hour earlier. Is it worth the $10? At this point for me, no. I just don’t play it enough. I jump in for three or four games, get my fix, and I move on. In the future, maybe, right now, nope.
-I really need to stop looking at the eShop because I downloaded Brawlhalla which is a Smashbros clone. I’m not really into these games but I gave it a try because it is something different. The small size of icons doesn’t work well with the Switch screen, the game play is ok, but what got me is that I could unlock characters with in game currency aka grind. I also like that there is an offline mode because I don’t want to get my behind handed to me by a random kid across the country. It’s a pride thing.
-Earlier this morning while I had Star Trek Voyager playing (I woke up 3 hours early for no good reason) my Chicago Bulls got boat raced by the Golden State Warriors. Heading into the 4th quarter, the teams were tied but then the Warriors all of a sudden caught on fire and the Bulls couldn’t hit the Pacific Ocean. The next game was a home game against Miami and the Bulls proceeded to blowout the Heat, kind of a take out your frustrations on a bad team kinda game.
So that’s what I’ve been playing all week, Switch freebies. I also played some Disney Emoji on my phone and I let someone else take 1st place in the weekly challenge. I could have easily beaten their score but there’s no fun in constant blowouts.
That’s all for now,more later!