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What the Hell? - Goldeneye for Wii

On 05/14/2019 at 04:04 PM by Matt Snee

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There's no arguing that one of the N64's biggest games was Goldeneye. An adaptation of the first Pierce Brosnan Bond film (which had beautiful Bond girls, by the way), it took advantage of the N64's analog stick and controller layout for a FPS feel that before then had been restricted to computers. With a robust single player campaign, and an even more robust splitscreen four player deathmatch setup, the game was very popular. 

It hasn't aged the best though - shitty N64 graphics, bad framerates, no jumping, etc. But for a while during the N64's heyday, it was the bee's knees. For myself, I played the game endlessly, beating all the levels on the highest difficulty and opening up all the cool cheat codes like double lasers. I've probably killed more people in Goldeneye than any other game. 

And that was that. The N64 gave way to the Gamecube, and the game was mostly forgotten. 

Until some maniac decided to remake Goldeneye for the Wii. More of a reinvention that a straight remake, the game featured different levels, upgraded graphics, and replaced old Pierce with the new guy, whatever his name is. 

Is it a bad game? Not really. It's ok. But it is unnecessary. And let's see - who in the universe has ever played multiplayer deathmatch on a damn Wii?

It is what it is. I owned it, I admit it. I think I got three or four levels in. The worst part? You couldn't kill Natalya. 

gold 2



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