I didn't know there were Ys games on mobile!
What I Played & Quick Hits Combo
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![]() On 08/09/2019 at 12:41 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
What is good Pixlpeeps!…also what have I missed? Anything good? Was there a new Blog A Day for August? Well I am here so let’s catch up shall we?
Games Played
-I’m still playing Gems of War. There was a new update where you can give a High Five/Thumbs Up/Something else if you had fun in PVP. Also thanks to the good people who don’t take their defensive team seriously.
-Yeah still Gems of War: I’ve been playing a lot of PVP so I can save up gold and upgrade each kingdom to level 10 before tackling earning stars for each kingdom.
Chris Watches
-Big Brother finally got interesting as the house guests finally booted who I call “Evil Aquaman.” Guys says some really questionable things on the live feed, and then pretends to be the good guy on the main feed. He also gets the good guy edit from Big Brother.
-I’ve given up on one of the local channels when it comes to news. Holy cow they are extremely bias and all their news stories seem to push their agenda. The tipping point is when they had breaking news and then proceeded to push the rise in temp to some crazy paper from a group I have never heard of. They then proceed to lecture the viewer. Switch over to the other news and their weather guesser said the temps are in line with what we’ve had. Yep done.
-If you follow me on Twitter I like to make fun of debates. They’re pointless regardless of party. All they do is who can pander the most and camera time goes to the favorites.
-Oh I’m into new Beverly Hills 90210. It’s the actors playing a version of themselves and how their lives aren’t what they thought it would be so they are going to go back and revive the show. Little odd but funny.
-WWE Summer Slam and NXT Take Over are this weekend. I’m gonna watch all 4095945830580 hours of wrestling.
-I miss watching the Tour de France. I would wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal and watch the coverage of the race and the views around France. It was fun.
-I still like watching videos of people buying music. I found a couple of folks who aren’t super annoying with their love of vinyl (oh there are people who love the idea of just buying vinyl rather than what’s on the damn record). I’ve narrowed my views to a handful of people. When they start riding that line to becoming the vinyl nerds I stop the video and move on. I really don’t care about it being 180 grams color vinyl that’s limited to 100 copies world wide. It sounds the same as the regular one you can find in the hipster section of Walmart and Target. The records above the Crosley players that shouldn’t be used.
Chris Reads
-I checked out the Game of Thrones prequel and I read some of it but I knew I couldn’t finish within my checkout time so I just returned it. I’ll probably check it out a couple of times to get through it.
-I can’t remember if I told you good people but I hit my 12 books for the year goal. Actually I’m sitting on 13 right now.
-Amazon has their Kindle at $109 without ads but you can also get it with their $20/month plan. I’m debating on doing this and skipping a CD Saturday trip per month. I don’t we’ll see, I mean I just bought the Walmart Onn tablet that I still really like to use as a reader.
Chris Listens
-I’m still listening to online radio in the morning, sports radio or podcasts in the afternoon.
-I’m going through withdrawal of my old mixtapes that I erased so I redownloaded a bunch of them and placed them on an old 500 GB drive. I also threw in my old mp3 files of Old Time Radio Shows and eventually the podcasts I have saved during my weird “I want to save everything” phase.
No pictures this time because it’s starting to get a little late here in SoCal and I need to get stuff done today but here is what I bought:
-The two Y’s games on iOS (iPad). They were a buck each and my cousin said I would play them.
-I want to say in the two weeks or so since my last entry I bought maybe 30+ CDs and a cassette. One of the local thrift’s dropped their prices to a quarter per album, which was awesome but now they brought back their insane tag pricing to make it “easier”. Each album is now .50 cents but if the tag is bllue it’s a quarter, and if it’s another color it’s even less. If it is orange it’s .50 cents.
-I bought two new 400 CD Books for my Rock CDs and I need another one to hold all my Rock CDs.
-I also bought a new external DVD drive because I broke my last one while ripping CDs. This is my 3rd DVD drive in about maybe 4 years?
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off now because I am late. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more later!