I just started playing Dishonored a little ways back. Man I suck at it lol. I didn't realize it was in first person. A stealth game in first person? It seems pretty cool though. BFG Edition has a LOT of content in it. It took me forever to beat all of it.
Update 5/3/13
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Hello all, thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to read this. So lately I have been very busy with work, haven’t had as much time for anything else it seems. This will be one of my shorter blogs due to lack of time and I haven’t had much free time lately. Anyways, now what I’ve been doing:
Currently Playing
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
This game has been on my backlog for a while now. I bought like 2 years ago on Black Friday and I have wanted to play this game for so long. So I popped it in (I’ve only touched playing multiplayer on this game before this point), and I am very much enjoying this game. I don’t know if it is my new LED TV or the art style, but this game looks so awesome! I am blown away by the graphics. Within the first couple of hours of playing this game, I was instantly reminded why I love this series, the writing is top notch. Nathan Drake’s dialogue and jokes are spot on and his interaction with the other characters is entertaining. I am loving what I have played of this game so far.
Both of these I shot with my iPhone off of my TV
Recently Purchased
Another dreaded sell on games caused me to make a lot of purchases this month. But if you really break it down, I paid about $75 for all these games. Here is the list:
Halo 4 (Xbox 360)
I have been excited for this game since I saw the first trailer of Master Chief jumping out of the cryotube. The main canon storyline of Halo has always been one that I have cherished and I look forward to playing this game. The original Halo is still my favorite of the series, but the sequels are pretty good.
Dishonored (PS3)
One of my most anticipated games in a long time. For some reason the demo and early trailers of this game reminded me a lot of the original Bioshock. Maybe the dark setting or just the overall package. Couldn’t pass it up.
Doom 3: BFG Edition (PS3)
I wasn’t originally going to buy this game because I own basically the same thing for the original Xbox (Doom 3 Special Edition which came with Doom and Doom 2). I remember liking this game a lot on Xbox. But it was like $11 and it came with the Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission bonuses plus HD graphics and trophies? Sold.
Max Payne 3 (PS3)
The Max Payne series is up/down for me. I like the bullet-time gameplay and gunfights in general. The story has always been very dark and depressing though. With Rockstar in charge of this one, I am very interested to see where it goes.
Killzone 3 (PS3)
Killzone 2 was one of my favorite shooters this gen. I have played the demo for Killzone 3 and it looks to be more of what I loved about KZ2.
I am not sure yet that I will be gaming next gen. Don’t get me wrong, the PS4 looks so awesome and I cannot wait until E3 to see what Sony unveils (I am partial to Sony, I will admit). As it goes right now, I am buried in games left to play in this gen and even some from last gen, lol. I don’t have as much time as I once did for this cherished hobby. I can just imagine when I have kids someday my free time may go to zilch. I don’t know, it’s just something running through my mind everytime I look at the mound of games in my backlog.
So that is about it. I have been working too much it seems like and haven’t really got to enjoy the awesome weather we have been having here in the Bay Area. I hope that will change here in the next couple of weeks. I just booked an awesome 4 night stay in Las Vegas for my birthday (which isn’t until September). Really looking forward to just going and letting loose. Thanks to everyone for reading.