I answer a call with "hello" and then when I realize it's a robot or a scam, I just hang up. I heard some scammers are recording your voice to use. I don't want to say "yes" or "no" or anything they might use.
Quick Hits: I Broke A Hard Drive & Amazon Prime's The Boys
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![]() On 08/16/2019 at 02:52 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Earlier this morning while eating breakfast and the start of my weekend I got a scam call for some vacation/timeshare Yahoo. Now usually I just hit 0 and go on about my day, but they keep calling and you know me, I do love to harass scam callers. Well I got Will, a gentlemen who seemed nice but a bit pushy. I called him John just to see what would happen, and he reiterated his name again during his response. I let him go through his script and then let him know that I keep hitting zero but I keep getting calls so I am just wasting his time. He gets angry, calls me an A-Hole, says he has a job, and I politely respond with “Why are you so mad John? Don’t be mad” He continues on trying to get louder and I cut him off by saying “I Love You Will, I Love You Will, I Love You Will, Don’t Be Mad, *laughing* I Love You Will…” Out of frustration he hangs up.
I know, you’re wondering why do this, why entertain them? Two reasons: 1. I think they are the scum of the Earth praying on people who probably don’t have much but get lured into something that seems worth while for not a lot of money than get hit with a ton of fees and frustration. 2. I think it’s hilarious to get a call center jockey so angry that they drop their fake American accent and cuss you out. Yup this is my morning entertainment, and apparently I missed one when I left the room. BOOOOOOO!
Good Morning Pixlpeeps, now let’s get started on today’s Quick Hits!
Chris Watches…
The Boys - Amazon Prime: I binged the 8 episodes in two days and I have to say this is one fantastic show. I didn’t know anything about it, other than what the commercials have shown and I think I saw people praising in online so I gave it a watch. Man it is so good, the story of having Superheroes be just as jaded as regular folks, how easy it is for the media to be influenced, and how even the good guys are just as bad as the bad guys. Fun watch.
Pluto TV: This is easily my favorite thing right now, I can watch random shows, and even watch a Dog The Bounty Hunter Channel. I have the app on my tablets, and PS4, and when there’s nothing on (funny to say when you have cable with 100+ channels) I switch to Pluto TV.
Big Brother - CBS: I’m back to the hate camp again after Kathryn was booted. She was my favorite in the house because she’s a little crazy but made the show fun. I’m back to not caring about the entire house and I’ll probably just check in on the show but not pay attention.
Songland - NBC: The singing show that I like is back. I like that they bring in 4 writers to sing one verse of their song to a panel that includes a musician of the week who will pick their favorite song and add it to their album. This week it was Macklemore and he had three solid writers/musicians, and two guys who made a beat and their chorus was “La La La La La.” Yeah it probably took them months to come up with what a baby says while they’re in their crib. It was dumb, it made it to the next round where one of the judges had to flesh out an actual song from that nonsense. This was just as bad as a writer/singer from a previous episode ripped off everything but the lyrics from Aerosmith’s Crazy.
NXT Takeover/WWE Summerslam - WWE Network
Surprisingly both shows were good, but NXT is still the better product. Summer Slam was short, which is a good thing because why have long drawn out matches if most of them don’t need the time. The one thing that still bothers me is WWE Network’s streaming problems. NXT would skip, and Summerslam would just stop streaming. I’ve had this service for 5 years and still they have their day 1 problems.
Chris Reads…
The Boys - Dynamite Comics: Ok so after the show I looked online and apparently it was based off a comic book, so I am now reading the entire line of The Boys comics. So far it is nothing like the show, which is good because I get to enjoy the comic and see some aspects of the show sprinkled into a crazy/violent comic. I’m currently on issue #9…I think?
Surprisingly none. Crazy, right?
So a month ago I started using an old hard drive I had lying around to be the home of my audio files (mp3s, mixtapes, boolegs, old podcasts, radio shows, etc.) I was editing their tags, making sure everything was nice and clean so whenever I do decide to have one external drive be the music drive I bring on trips everything will be easy to find. Well that old school 500GB drive decided to crash when I was adding some 90s Cassette Rips of Rave Music I found online. The drive made some scratching sounds before powering down and that was it. Thank goodness Best Buy had a sale on 2TB drive for I think $60 after tax so I went down to the local BB, got my drive, and went home. Once I finish here I am going to continue to add files and fix their ID tags in Musicbee on my new drive.
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Have a good weekend!
That’s all for now, more later!