The next few weeks are going to be loaded to the gills with games for me.
First up is Astral Chain, Platinum's latest action fest. This game looks incredible and fast-paced. It'd made up for them not getting Bayonetta 3 out.
Next week we get the remastered re-release of Final Fantasy VIII. I will probably write a blog about this one. 20 years ago in September, I was in the line to pick this game up while other people were lined up to pick up the Dreamcast. Plus it came out at a certain time in my life that resonated with me.
After that is River City Girls. I'm thinking about trying for a physical copy of this one.
On the 20th of September, I get not one, but two games: the built-for-the-Switch version of Link's Awakening, my GOTY 1993, and Ni no Kuni, my GOTY 2013.
Finally, on September 27th, comes the magnificent Dragon Quest XI S. I'm playing the Switch demo of this now, and it looks amazing. It's the follow up to Dragon Quest VIII I always wanted, and more. My GOTY for 2019 is either going to be DQXI S or Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
I am also thinking of picking up a copy of Arcade Love Plus: Pengo from PlayAsia. A few years ago, 1UP blogger Noe Valladolid (BigMex) wrote about a new version of Sega's arcade classic, Pengo, that was made for Sega's RingWide arcade platform, which is widescreen and supports up to 4 players. I don't import a lot of games since Japanese developers have been pretty good at getting games localized for the US this generation, but I might make an exception for this.
So that's the next couple of months for me. These games are really gonna strain the ol' bank account, and I'm lucky I have a job that allows me to work from home and gives me 7 days off at a time, or I'd never have time to play all this. But this year has been an incredible year for new games and re-releases. It's been the best year so far this generation and the best year since the 6th generation ended, TBH.
So what are you playiing?