Uh oh, you're talking about a Namco game. You know what that means. I'll be talking your ear off about it now.
Do you remember the sit down cabinets for Pole Position? When I was little, my dad would play those and I'd sit in his lap (I guess I was really little!). I'm not a huge fan of Pole Position but I do have good memeries playing it with my dad at the arcades.
Did you know there was a Pole Position cartoon? Yeah I think they just took a generic racing cartoon and slapped the name on it, but it exists and it's as dumb as you'd expect it to be.
Do you know what the sequel to Pole Position is? Well, yeah, it's Pole Position 2. But did you know what the sequel to that is? The game Final Lap is actually Pole Position 3.
Well I guess that's all I have to say about Pole Position. I could say more but instead I'll just leave you this video of the music from the Pole Position 2 room in Namco Museum vol. 3. I just think the music is cool.