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Quick Hits: Friday Ramblings With Cheese

On 10/25/2019 at 12:59 PM by goaztecs

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Summer is trying to hold on right now but it is getting cooler here in Sunny Southern California. I think we are at the last couple of days of 90+ before it drops and I’m ready for it. Don’t get me wrong I do love the summer but after a couple of months of triple digits, I’m ok with wearing a hoodie and *gasp* maybe pants instead of shorts. Anyways that’s just me, let’s get started.


Chris Watches…

Other than my binge watches of Dateline and catching up on wrestling it’s been more of the same. I mean I am watching the World Series (Stephen Strasburg, San Diego State Aztec!) but other than that nothing new. Maybe this Sunday instead of watching football I’ll dig deep into the Netflix library and find a new show to obsess over…I miss you House of Cards.  


Chris Listens To…

iHeart Radio App - Different parts of the day I like to listen to sports radio, mainly the San Diego feed but I will listen to other cities a day after games because the meltdowns are hilarious. Anyways the one thing that bothers me is that the SD feed seems to have the same three commercials: Rob Dibble talking about saluting the flag, Party City with the sax riff from Wilson Pickett’s Midnight Hour, and Maron’s podcast. At one point I think I heard the Rob Dibble commercial three times in a row. It’s annoying.


Two New Podcasts - I have two new podcasts that I’ve been listening to that I like and are different from my current lineup. The first is The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast hosted by WWE Superstars Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. Every week they spend about 2-3 hours talking about wrestling figures, and other wrestling related items they bought, collected, etc. I was never big into wrestling figures but I do like their stories about growing up hitting the same stores, watching the same people, and their joy for finding not only random wrestling figure, but Ninja Turtles, and other toys. I started by watching their videos and just gradually added their audio episodes to my phone.

The second podcast is The Office Ladies hosted by Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey. This podcast is about all the fun behind the scenes stories from The Office, and they are going in episode order so right now they are on Season 1 Episode 2, Diversity Day. If you’re a fan of the show, this is a must listen.


Chris Reads

I decided to fire up the Kindle app on my iPad just to see what I was doing on there and I took in a couple of pages of Hourly History’s The Guilded Age before deciding on doing some spring cleaning. Since this isn’t my main reader why should I keep books that I’ve finished installed? I did that, installed some new books, and then went to check out my iBooks library and holy cow I forgot I had a ton of content there as well. I removed some duplicates and I’ll probably jump back into reading from both apps. I do want to add some comics on the iPad.



-Since it is getting cooler and the sun and going down earlier I’ve started to go back to the Swapmeet. Fake Lego Lady is no longer selling which is sad, but it saves me on buying fake Lego minifigures of Marvel/DC characters that are not/will not be made. They did however finally get around to creating Red Hulk.

-I was at one of my go-to thrift stores and they had this Skylanders set for $160. I thought they were crazy so when I went to take a look there was a 360, Kinect camera, a controller, a couple of Skylanders games, and the rest of the big tub was filled with the figures. In the glass shelf under this tub were the controllers. Whoever buys this hopefully checks that 360 to make sure it works.




Last week at Walmart when I was supposed to be buying groceries, I also bought this while browsing the Electronic Section


Digital it was $40, at Walmart $34 and it comes with 3 months of Online. I save $6, get some free online, and I get to frustrate kids on my team with my kill/death ratio.


It finally came in


From the thrift store that had the $160 Skylanders bundle I bought these albums for a quarter each


I’m adding to my country library, but more importantly I found an original release of Kid N Play.



I was at a Burlington yesterday looking for a low profile backpack to use as a day bag. I couldn’t find one so before I left I saw that they had a section of the store converted to a toy section because of Christmas and this is what I found


I was joking about ordering this figure awhile back and it was on the pegs at half the retail price.


From the swapmeet I found these figures


I found the newer R2-D2 and Gungan minifigures. A lady had a stall with a bunch of minifigs that were $3 each or 2 for $5. I checked the inside of the legs, the stump on the torso that holds, the head, and the top of the head to make sure to see a LEGO stamp. She also had a C3P0 droid in silver but it had some weird gunk on it and I wasn’t about to touch it. There was also a nearly complete Lego Friends yacht set but I didn’t ask how much she wanted for it.


Two stalls down I found another girl selling toys and I bought these figures for $6


I believe they are from 1997 even though the inside of their legs say 1991. My brother and I had a collection of GI Joe so its fun to pick them up everytime we see them out in the wild.


Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. I need to eat and download the latest mixtapes that are Friday releases. Have a good weekend!


That’s all for now, more later!





10/25/2019 at 02:56 PM

That Skylanders bundle still sounds like too much. I'd say $75 sounds better to me. 


10/28/2019 at 01:37 PM

$75 sounds more reasonable especially if the XBox works. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/26/2019 at 09:10 AM

I was really into GI Joe when I was a kid. I played with the figures all the time, watched the show, read the comic book. 

That Jar-Jar lego is amazing. 


10/28/2019 at 01:39 PM

Loved GI Joe. My brother and I had a bunch. One of our favorite memories is one year our grandma bought us these knock off action figures that were the same size. They became the bad guys that GI Joe (with Cobra) attacked. 

The newer minifigs have such good paint jobs. I have a Jar Jar from the first wave and the head is just one color plastic. 

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