And that was..., "Drunk Ramblings From The Blake Himself".
Drunk Ramblings From The Blake Himself
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![]() On 05/04/2013 at 02:08 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey everybody! Do you know how many attempts it took to not fuck up that title? And this sentence. And that sentence. Ok, I'm going to stop that now, it's silly. Silly is a hard word to type. I wrote Silluy so many times iyt wasn't funny. But I'm slowing my words down so you peeps can read it. Oh yeah I just said peeps. I'm gangsta yo! AAnd oh so very white.
Anyways, lets talk about shit that this site should talk abvout: GAMES!!! Lol... I almost wrote gasms. This is Pixlbit, not pixltit. This is a website, not duke nukem 3d... ANYWAYS!!!! What have I been playing? Defiance for plus10damage. Seriously, once I started this game I couldn't quit. Literally, I couldn't find the fuckinh quit button!!! I had to alt tab and fucking right click that bitch! I googled it, and I was told I had to press 'O' (Lol, that 'o' looks like some seriously nasty deep throat!) then go to the gameplay options and hit log out. Oh, and who the fuck maps your character screen to escape? THATS FUCKING RETARDED!! I had to press like F5 or some shit to access my graphics options up, because I wanted to up the draw distance. Turns out I was on max. I felt like I was playing silent hill 2 WITHOUT THE FUCKING FOG!!!
Thats enought about that game though. I have pringles. They're fucking amazing. I'd share them with you, but you live so far away! I still love you though, whoever you are... AMERICANS DONT KNOW HOW TO DRINK!!! They're like "I'm going to have a good buzz tonight." N***a, I get buzzed BEFORE I GO OUT! You don't know what drunk is until you've been put to bed by a security guard! You don't know what drunk is until you shit out a bowling ball the next day! You don't know what drunk is until you visit australia, because EVERYTHING HERE TRIES TO KILL US!!! We get drunk so at least we'll fucking die happy. Why am I talking about this? I sounf like a douche. BACK TO GAMES!.
So I'm trying to decide what I should play when I finish this blog. It has to be mindless fun because my capacity to think outside of offensive jokes is severely limited. I could play with one of you. Lets see, who's online... Matt Snee. He has counter strike go... We could deathmatch that shit. Nah, I'll rage quit. That game is hard at the best of times.
Do you guys have a favourite gaming youtube person? My favourites are: Totalbiscuit, Campster, Dodger (she is fucking adorable), and Angry Nintendo Nerd. Seriously, you guys should watch the TGS podcast. It's amazing. Except the last one, because the guest was a fucking idiot.
Finally, I love all of you guys. ESPECIALLY YOU! All your blake are belong to me. No, that's not right. All my blake are belong to you? Anyway, you get the meme I'm trying to misquote, so just replace base with blake and remember I love you and all will be good. GOODNIGHT ALL!!!!