Cutting back on spending is hard!
I'm down to 185 now, so I've lost 72 pounds total. But I'm not really exercising. I'd like to do more cardio on a regular basis.
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![]() On 12/31/2019 at 01:05 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Wow two blogs in a week and one of them isn’t rambling about what random toys I found, I’m doing pretty darn good (psst that’s on Friday). Good morning Pixlpeeps! I am sitting here in clear skies Southern California, where yesterday was gray, gloomy, and I was cursing at tourists who have no idea of where they are going so they stop in the middle of the road to make up their mind. That’s what I get for living in a place where in the winter people love to show up. Anyways today is the last day of 2019 and I thought I would do my yearly Resolutions (Goals) recap and what’s on the menu for 2020. Sound fun? Let’s get started!
2019 Goals
Games Stuff
2020 Games Goals
Non Game Stuff
2020 Non Games Goals
Alright Pixlpeeps I am off to eat some breakfast. Have a safe and Happy New Year!
That’s all for now, more next year! (I’ll see myself out)
It is, but I think I did ok last year when I didn't buy as many games. I think trying to sell off the stuff at my garage sale stuck in my head.
That is freaking awesome man, congrats! I need to get up and start getting motivated to work out and at least start walking again.
I definitely cut down on the negative news and social media myself, and it sure does help. I'd get off Twitter entirely, except I have to use it for work. As a result, I probably end up being part of the negativity just cause of how much I hate having to log in there. Sorry about that. lol
I think I probably set a reading goal, but I definitely didn't reach it. In my defense, I do read a lot for work (journalism professor). I need to rediscover my local library as you have. Houston's library apparently has some amazing audiobook resources even if you're not in the area.
I've done really well exercising, but my diet and my wallet have taken lots of hits from eating out.
I like your gaming goals. I think my gaming goal this year is just to go back to doing what I did when I was younger: mostly rentals and only the ocassional bought game when I REALLY want something. I need to start my GameFly subscription again. Since I'm not paying for streaming services, that'll be my equivalent of a Netflix or Amazon Prime Video ...or HBO NOw, all of which I have through friends and family for free. Who knows what I'll do when these services start figuring out how to cut back on that practice!
In any case, Happy New Year's Eve and a Happy New Year if I don't type at you until then! Here's to a roaring 2020!
Having less negativity is always a good thing. Some days Twitter is hilarious, other days people just go nuts. I do my share of bitching on there, but some folks are obsessed with being angry. When you and the good people here pop up on my timeline it's about games or books. It's interesting to see what others are doing.
Man your library system must have a ton of undiscovered treasures. Since I'm in a small town the library system here is small but there are some cool books, music to be found. If anything start with their online stuff.
I dig that about the games. I think you'd experience a lot more with Gamefly .
Happy 2020!
It was years ago that I started haunting libraries in my area. It started with music. I must've mined a dozen or more libraries in my area for the best stuff. Some libraries have better collections than others.
Then it was books and audio books. Then I discovered lecture series like what The Teaching Company does. I did the movie thing too here and there.
Finally, I've started to rent games, which is great for checking out the big titles that I want to see but don't want to own.
Now I work at a library and here's hoping I get more work there in 2020. That' my resolution.
More power to your resolution in 2020!
I want to start doing that at my local libraries this year. That have a decent music selection but I want to start checking out their audiobooks and adding to my collection. I need to check out the library by the Community College. It should have a bigger selection of items and hopefully a decent used/donated shop inside.