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BaD #6: Mega Man Comics

On 02/10/2020 at 10:08 PM by daftman

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I think I've mentioned before that Archie's Mega Man comic is my all-time favorite comic, and that hasn't changed. I have very strong feelings about how Archie ran and published the comic (i.e., lousy and not fan-friendly) but I think what writer Ian Flynn accomplished with it is nothing short of astounding. There is no reason an adaptation of an 8-bit action game should have such deep characters and satisfying plots.

Blog-a-Day 2020

As you can see, Archie published only eight trades and left the rest in single-issue limbo. I kept the faith as volume 9 kept getting delayed but eventually gave up and hunted down the remaining issues, which was a surprisingly difficult task but well worth it. I was reading these to my boys last year and they hold up so well. It's hard to imagine anything ever passing this up for me.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/10/2020 at 11:44 PM

I hate when that happens to comics. One of my favorite series, Warren Ellis's Planetary had A LOT of delays. It's finished now, and it was worth it, but at the time it was frustrating. 


02/11/2020 at 10:11 PM

I haven't heard of that series but I'll have to look it up.

Cary Woodham

02/11/2020 at 09:13 AM

I wish I could've gotten more into these.  It's hard for me to get into comic books since you have to keep up with them so much.


02/11/2020 at 10:13 PM

I'm a big fan of things that begin and then eventually come to an end and are over, rather than going on forever...but it was too soon for Mega Man. There were so many more great stories to tell Cry


02/11/2020 at 03:13 PM

I wish I could get back into comics again. It was burning a hole in my pocket. 


02/11/2020 at 10:14 PM

I love getting trades but I do not like single issues. They're tough to sort and store and there are just so dang many of them.


02/12/2020 at 03:25 PM

It was so much fun getting issues every Wednesday though. I miss that. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/21/2020 at 12:44 AM

Satisfying character arcs you say? Hmmm ... was there ever a line of MMX comics?


02/21/2020 at 02:18 PM

They had a couple issues where they jumped ahead to MMX for story reasons and then he was in the second crossover, but the comic was cancelled before they got back to him again Frown

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/21/2020 at 05:57 PM

The good news is I don't need to hunt down more than two, three issues for the X arc then. 

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