I hate when that happens to comics. One of my favorite series, Warren Ellis's Planetary had A LOT of delays. It's finished now, and it was worth it, but at the time it was frustrating.
BaD #6: Mega Man Comics
On 02/10/2020 at 10:08 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
I think I've mentioned before that Archie's Mega Man comic is my all-time favorite comic, and that hasn't changed. I have very strong feelings about how Archie ran and published the comic (i.e., lousy and not fan-friendly) but I think what writer Ian Flynn accomplished with it is nothing short of astounding. There is no reason an adaptation of an 8-bit action game should have such deep characters and satisfying plots.
As you can see, Archie published only eight trades and left the rest in single-issue limbo. I kept the faith as volume 9 kept getting delayed but eventually gave up and hunted down the remaining issues, which was a surprisingly difficult task but well worth it. I was reading these to my boys last year and they hold up so well. It's hard to imagine anything ever passing this up for me.