I think it's crazy that there were Mega Man and Sonic crossover comics!
BaD #7: Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
On 02/11/2020 at 10:07 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
When I ran out of Mega Man comics to read, I shifted over to Sonic. Writer Ian Flynn got his start with Sonic before being given Mega Man as well and while I don't think Sonic ever reaches the heights of the blue bomber, it is still quite enjoyable. Archie was still bungling publishing. Trades came out something like two years after the issues they collected. If I had the time and money (I don't have enough of either), I could hunt down all the single issues that didn't make it into trades, but that's a pipedream.
Eventually Archie lost the Sonic license—a good thing, I think, at that point—and it was picked up by IDW...who hired Ian Flynn to write! And the IDW trades (on the bottom right of this picture) come out a couple months after the issues, rather than a few years later. The new comics don't follow the Archie continuity, of course, but it's still Sonic, so it's not that different. The big difference is that the cast was pared down to the core characters and we're ramping up anew from there. Right now I'm two trades behind on IDW Sonic but I'll get those soon. It's still not Mega Man but I enjoy reading them.