One of my favorites of the decade. It was my 2014 GOTY. I bought it day one.
Captain N's Games of the Decade #22
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![]() On 02/09/2020 at 02:57 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Games of the Decade #22/Blog a Day #09
Hello gamers™, how are you?
We are going back to 2014 for this one post. Despite the Wii U not selling well, 2014 was a fine year for the system. What was fine about it? The games released on it that year. We saw a number of great games released on it, this included games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Among those games was the highly controversial Wii U exclusive known as Bayonetta 2.
Music here is just so good ♥
Where to even begin with this backstory? Bayonetta 2 was first shown in a Nintendo Direct back in September 13, 2012, months before the launch of the Wii U itself. During that presentation it was shown that the game would be exclusive to the Wii U, as in it wouldn't release on other platforms. This caused a huge outrage on the internet, this is one of the few times I have seen the internet explode with rage. However PlatinumGames responded to the backlash saying that it is thanks to Nintendo's funding that the game exists at all. I have heard that they pitched the game both to Sony and Microsoft but they both didn't want it. And that's how the game came to be. But is it any good?
Bayonetta 2 is natually a sequel to the first game and like with any sequel it improves various things that people didn't like about the previous game. In this game, Bayonetta has a new look and I can say she looks absolutely beautiful. I really do love this new look for her. The game also brings back Bayonetta's signature melee and gunplay for some fast and frantic action. Other than that, Bayonetta herself has an array of new weapons at her disposal that you can equip on her which range from swords to name a few as well as some new abilites.
The best part of these games have always been the gameplay and the gameplay is just absolutely fantastic. The opening monents in the game is is really exciting and the game pretty much throws you into the action right away. It tells you the basic controls but from there it is up to you to figure out more combos and whatnot. There aren't any drawn out tutorials or anything of the like. That's one thing I like that it allows you to experiement with the gameplay and figure things out on your own. Most games grant you new ailities as you progress through a game but here you pretty much have to earn them on your own and experiment.
The combat in this game is just so stylish
The levels you go though look absolutely stunning, I was definitely in awe the first time I played the game. One moment you are fighting atop a jet fighting off enemies and then suddenly an even bigger enemy appears before you. You might have several questions, I chose not to ask any and just go about and keep going to see what I'm about to encounter next.
There's also plenty of unlockables too like new weapons for Bayonetta herself, accessories to characters and alternate costumes. My favorites are obviousy the costumes because some of them are Nintendo themed and they look really damn cool. I'm surprised Nintendo allowed that but gad they did.
Music in this game is so good too. It matches the game and Bayonetta herself. I really can't imagine what other type of music this series would have. Sometimes it's pretty upbeat and at other times it's pretty dramatic too depending on what's going on in the game. It has this certain stlye to it.
"But Captain N, where can I play this game?" Well I played it on the Wii U and I was lucky enough to find a copy that included a copy of the first game. I found it at a furniture store of all places. That version is really expensive now though since it has been out of print for years and I think the game might be hard to come by.
One of my favorite costumes in the game but doesn't come close to the coolest one
However the game has gotten a rerelease on the Switch with both games included, first game is digital ony but the secnd one comes in a cartridge. I would say that the Switch version is your best bet since that version is more easier to find and I heard that they have improved the framerate.
The game even has online play so you can co-op levels. It's really fun from what I remember and it's a good way to earn in-game currency to buy the various unlockables. I heard that in the Switch version you can unlock them if you have amiibo figures so if you have some then there's no need to grind for in-game currency.
Final Thoughts: Bayonetta 2 is one of those rare sequels that is much better than its predecessor in amost every way. Fast paced and super stylish with some really incredible moments that you'll be left wondering what the hell just happened. The gameplay is so silky smooth that you'll feel so good getting combos and dodging enemies with style and grace.
I'm really surprised that Nintendo out of all companies help fund the game and the best part is that they had no hand in the development at all. Considering the content in this game as well as how trigger-happy they were with altering games during the Wii U/3DS era. But all in all, I'm glad that the game happened thanks to them and even more glad that they didn't touch it at all.
I would like it if one day that they could release Bayonetta 2 on other platforms so more people can try this gem of a game since not that many people played it on the Wii U. It's available now on the Switch but more people need to play it. But the only obstacle is Nintendo and the same thing most likely happened with Bayonetta 3 as in they most likely funded it too so who knows.
Well that's it for this one. We'll be getting wicked in the next one