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BaD Tuesday

On 02/25/2020 at 05:43 PM by Super Step

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I had a really good Monday. 

Today was just ok. 

Part of the issue is I patted myself on the back a little too hard for getting all my PhotoJournalism students' essays graded yesterday and played enough of Yakuza 4 to leave myself with the same piles of TV news stories and photos to grade, which I will have to get to tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday respectively. The victory lap was fun while it lasted, I guess. 

I actually stayed up late and played the King of Cards DLC for Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, had no idea what I was doing in Mad Max, and even managed to sneak in some ... something else. I know I played something else. Was it Guilty Gear X2 again? Or did I imagine this? 

Anyway, tonight will be a little bit of Yakuza 4 (almost done' freeing me up to play 5 over Spring break a week or so from now), but there will definitely be a LOT more grading. I'm not late on anything, but I don't want the piles to overwhelm me either. 

I'm also planning on trying to run again on my sprained ankle. It has been four weeks. I am tired of being forced into couch potato mode. I need the stress relief. And yes, I got some gym time in meanwhile but a) the eliptical is just not the same and b) the gym requires a car to get to and I just got mine back up and running. Also, c) I cannot diet for shit when I'm not running, cause then I end up needing the food to fix my mood. 

That's what I have going on ... damn games. 




02/25/2020 at 09:43 PM

Yakuza sounds fun. I want to try it, again. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2020 at 10:21 PM

When was the last time you tried it and which game? 

I know the PS2 games are supposed to be pretty rough and there are some quirks to the PS3 titles I could see turning someone off. Starting with either 0 or Kiwami is the way to go. 

Unfortunately, you'll need either a PS4 or gaming PC for the modern games, and I know you're more of an XBOX guy. 


02/26/2020 at 02:36 AM

I got my start with the series with Yakuza 2 on PS2.

Super Step

02/28/2020 at 05:12 PM

Yakuza 2 is definitely a high mark for the writing imo. I've never played the PS2 releases, but I hear they're a bit rough around the edges ... and having played the PS3 remasters, I can see it ... 


02/26/2020 at 08:29 PM

I played a demo maybe on PS3. I forget which one that was. I have a PS4, it just gets neglected a lot because Mark doesn't have one. 

Super Step

02/28/2020 at 05:11 PM

I think I saw that 0 is coming to Game Pass ... your life may have just become better. 


03/02/2020 at 08:47 PM

I saw that the other day. I'm hoping a Game Pass Quest will include it next week. That's sort of my starting point in my game sessions of late, whatever is in Game Pass Quests. But I will download it anyway. 


02/26/2020 at 12:22 PM

It's the small victories...until the next batch of assignments. 

Sounds like it's going to be tough to run on a sprain. Wrap it up before you run or maybe do some walking for now. 

Mad Max is an interesting game. When in doubt go attack a base, and find car parts. 

Super Step

02/28/2020 at 05:14 PM

Looking back on my week, it's honestly weird to see that it started with a victory. The rest of it has not been so great. 

Luckily, I was able to run on the treadmill today for a bit and got close to 3 miles in. 

Hmm ... will do re: Mad Max

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