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BaD Games I Gotta Finish - Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, & Skyward Sword

On 02/25/2020 at 09:39 PM by Matt Snee

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Yes. I am lame. I have not finished any of these three games. In fact, the last Zelda I beat was Ocarina of Time (though I did beat it like five times). For one reason or another, these three great Zelda games lie in my pile of shame. 

Wind Waker I almost beat. Sometime in 2004, my friend was moving to Europe, and sold me his GameCube. I had just come out of bad relationship and moved to Philadelphia. Playing Wind Waker got me through some bad times. I got to the end, but never made it to Gannon's island to defeat him. I played it a bit on Wii U (and it was beautiful) but didn't get too far. :(

I'll always remember the first time I saw Twilight Princess. I was over at my friend's house, stoned, and played the first couple hours. But I didn't really get into the game until I played it on Wii some time later. I got about two thirds through, and then just hit a wall. I really love this game, but I just didn't finish it. :(

As far as Skyward Sword goes, I've played it the least. I am an avowed hater of motion controls, and I just couldn't figure out how to fly the damn bird in this game, which is dependent on shaking the Wii Mote. I tried it over and over, each time meeting frustration. I really loved the idea of this game and its art direction too. :(

Well, there you have it. My shame. 




02/25/2020 at 09:45 PM

I haven't finished any of them either. I haven't even finished Ocarina even though I've tried several times. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/25/2020 at 10:19 PM

I've finished the first three you mentioned, but never got to play Skyward Sword due to lack of a Wii. 


02/26/2020 at 12:21 AM

Hey, I've actually played and finished all of those! Winter Waker is possibly my favorite Zelda and has for sure the best ending, so you gotta see that. Twilight Princess has some really great dungeons but it's just a reeeally long game and takes itself very seriously. I played Skyward Sword just a few years ago myself and finally lessened my own shame somewhat. I think the motion controls in that game are some of the best ever done...however, they are still motion controls. But the game has great and very inventive dungeons and perhaps the best character of Zelda in the whole franchise. I would say it is worth playing.

Cary Woodham

02/26/2020 at 07:55 AM

I've beaten all those games.  Wind Waker is my favorite of the three.  I like Skyward Sword even though a lot of people didn't.  I didnt like Twilight Princess as much when i first played it on the Wii, but I liked it MUCH better on the Wii U HD remake.


02/26/2020 at 12:01 PM

Shame! Shame! Shame I say! You'll get around to it. You seem to have a special place for the series and one day you'll sit down and finish them....Ok when I typed "Finish Them" I said it out loud like the Mortal Kombat video game. That made me laugh. 

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