I haven't finished any of them either. I haven't even finished Ocarina even though I've tried several times.
BaD Games I Gotta Finish - Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, & Skyward Sword
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![]() On 02/25/2020 at 09:39 PM by Matt Snee ![]() See More From This User » |
Yes. I am lame. I have not finished any of these three games. In fact, the last Zelda I beat was Ocarina of Time (though I did beat it like five times). For one reason or another, these three great Zelda games lie in my pile of shame.
Wind Waker I almost beat. Sometime in 2004, my friend was moving to Europe, and sold me his GameCube. I had just come out of bad relationship and moved to Philadelphia. Playing Wind Waker got me through some bad times. I got to the end, but never made it to Gannon's island to defeat him. I played it a bit on Wii U (and it was beautiful) but didn't get too far. :(
I'll always remember the first time I saw Twilight Princess. I was over at my friend's house, stoned, and played the first couple hours. But I didn't really get into the game until I played it on Wii some time later. I got about two thirds through, and then just hit a wall. I really love this game, but I just didn't finish it. :(
As far as Skyward Sword goes, I've played it the least. I am an avowed hater of motion controls, and I just couldn't figure out how to fly the damn bird in this game, which is dependent on shaking the Wii Mote. I tried it over and over, each time meeting frustration. I really loved the idea of this game and its art direction too. :(
Well, there you have it. My shame.