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Recaps While Doing Laundry

On 03/17/2020 at 12:17 PM by goaztecs

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So as I am sitting here waiting for a load of laundry to finish, while many many loads of laundry still wait I feel it’s time to update you good people…also I love you all but you need to stand…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………this far away from the screen (just in case). So let’s see if I can remember what I’ve been playing.


First off is anyone having problems connecting the Switch to the internet? I tried to get my daily Gems of War game time in but it wouldn’t connect, heck it wouldn’t connect to my phone as a hot spot. Remember the good ol’ days when all you had to do to play a game is pop into the console and hit power (sometimes after blowing into the cart). Yeah that’s me right now.


I’ve taken a break from The Division 2 for obvious reasons.


NBA 2K is basically my sports fix right now. Video Game Chris misses easy jumpers yet can dunk on anybody. Also his defense is suspect at times, while others he becomes Superman.


Asphalt on the Vita is going well. I’m unlocking cars left and right but some races are a doozy to win.


Disney Emoji Blitz I grinded like hell to complete last week’s Star Wars Event and my reward was Chewbacca. It seems like the developers changed the odds of the game to where it was damn near impossible to get certain emojis to clear the board unless you played a ton…or paid. Sorry devs I’ll go to a different game or just not play as much if this keeps up.


Since I have a lot more free time right now, and once I conquer the mountain of dirty clothes I’m gonna either power up the PS4, jump into the 360, or tackle the PS3. There’s a bunch of games I should knock off Mount Backlog and I need to give the Vita and Switch a rest.


Well that is what is going on here, my load of laundry just finished and I have some in the dryer from last night I don’t want to fold. Wrinkles are in style, right? Also wear green! Green I say! Have a good one and you can get close now so I can virtual pinch you’re not wearing green.


That’s all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/17/2020 at 06:52 PM

I saw that a lot of people are having trouble signing online with game consoles because so many people are staying at home. 


03/18/2020 at 11:48 AM

That makes sense. After I uploaded my blog I checked it out and apparently a lot of folks had problems connecting on the Switch. 


03/17/2020 at 10:29 PM

I've been fine on Xbox one but I haven't been playing online games  this week..Downloads were fine though.. 


03/18/2020 at 11:49 AM

That's good downloads were running. I couldn't imagine trying to download a game right now and having it just slow down to a crawl or not even work. 


03/19/2020 at 09:45 PM

When Mark and I were online playing Minecraft all day, I would notice lag at certain times of the day such as when kids came home from school. I can only imagine what it's like right now. I should try it just to see. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/18/2020 at 11:18 PM

Did you catch any of the Dropkick Murphys livestream? It was good but not the same with no audience ... 

Anyway, I'm probably too close to the screen. 

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