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Corona-BaD: Star Date 04172020 Quick Hits: Free Comics

On 04/17/2020 at 12:25 PM by goaztecs

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Good morning Pixlpeeps! Hey I’m typing away in the morning, I haven’t done that in a couple of days. It’s a breezy Southern California day and while I am waiting for my Brita Water Pitcher to clean some water I thought we would do our usual and catch up…from a safe distance.


Chris Watches…

Star Trek: Enterprise - Netflix: I started watching this series from the beginning because when it was on syndication I would catch an episode here and there but never got the full story. Since it is on Netflix I have something to play while I am sorting cards and other random daily tasks. I finally learned how the future deals with human waste. They said on the Enterprise they have a facility that takes all the waste, breaks it down into molecules and then turns it into items they can use like storage containers to boots. Brings new meaning to Sh*t kicker. Also this might be an inside joke among the writers.

The Challenge: Total Madness - MTV: Oh it is good to have something normal on TV instead of the constant crap about what is going on outside. The good people of the Challenge are proving why this is America’s Unofficial 5th Favorite Sport.

I’ve watched other randoms and my usual assortment of rastlin’ but nothing new and exciting. Maybe I’ll do a deep dive on Netflix and find a rando show in a language I can’t understand.


Music/Trading Card Stuff:

Since I alternate days of sorting through, re-ripping music with card sorting I’ve gone back to enjoying both. I’m discovering new songs I once hated, and for some songs I wonder why I liked them in the first place. I also miss the other just enough that I am excited to tackle that project for the first hour or so.




Well you know about the freebie Uncharted Drake Collection and Journey on PS4, and Assassin’s Creed II from Ubisoft for PC (it’s in a previous CoronaBaD blog). There’s also a game called Manual Samuel on Humble Bundle that is free. I added it to my library and one day I will get around to giving it a spin.

Manual Samuel From Humble Bundle


Also for you iOS folks I think Hitman Go is still free if you want to grab that. I have a copy sitting in my library from last time it went free.



Zip. I haven’t found anything. I really should hit eBay and pickoff CDs I would like to have in my collection



I grabbed these comics from ComiXology because they were free. I believe all you need is an account, and you can read the books on a browser or on a tablet or phone using the app. Can’t go wrong when they’re free. Here are the links I found on SlickDeals


Amazing Spider-Man: Red Golbin

Avengers: Kree/Skrull War

Avengers By Jason Aaron Vol. 1: The Final Host

Avengers Vs. X-Men Collection

Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coastes Vol. 1 Collection

Black Widow Vol. 1: SHIELD Most Wanted

Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection

Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster More

Civil War

Fantastic Four Vol. 1: Fourever

Thanos Wins By Donny Cates

X-Men Milestones: Dark Phoenix Saga


Alright Pixlpeeps I am off. Enjoy the weekend….AND WASH YOUR HANDS!

That’s all for now, more later!





Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/17/2020 at 12:58 PM

Civil War is pretty good, but the movie is much better. 


04/20/2020 at 11:35 AM

I've never seen the movie and I pieced together the Civil War series but never got into it. Hopefully by having all the books in one bigger book (no idea what they call these assembled books, annuals?) I would probably read it...and then watch the movie and complain Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/17/2020 at 05:59 PM

There's a Red Goblin? Huh


04/20/2020 at 11:35 AM

No idea but since it was free I grabbed it. 


04/18/2020 at 10:49 PM

I've been organizing my music lately and it's quite tedious, but necessary. I want to have everything easily searchable for when I want to make a mix CD. 


04/20/2020 at 11:36 AM

It can be fun, but then it becomes a pain and a bit overwhelming. I do like rediscovering music I forgot I have. That's a fun bonus. 


04/20/2020 at 10:12 PM

I keep telling myself to just use streaming and forget collecting, but it's in my blood. 

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