So in todays game world we have seen alot of games try to make a mafia game, and although we have had some great games very few depict what its really all about, first of a mafia game is about control, you buid up a gang of grunts promote capable men for your empire, expand and defend your turf from other gangs who want you out of the picture. Now lets take a look at some games that attempt to be Mafia games, so we have Mafia 2 a great game that tells a story of a character in the mob but thats where it ends, we have the GodFather which is another great game but still fails to be an acurate mob game, we have GTA series which although San Andreas came close it still fell short of being a mob game.

Then we have a few that actually do a good job of portraing what its all about, look at the GodFather 2 now as bad as the reveiws were I actually thought it was one of the better Mafia games, i mean not only did you get to get down and dirty actually carrying out the missions and then with the Dons veiw you could monitor finances and protect your investments as well as defend them. So in my opinion this is what a mob game should be, although with that said it was glitchy, felt very rushed and a game that could have been a GOTY contender ended up on the bargain bin shelves with a thought of what it could have been.

Then there was the old original Mafia on the ps2 wich although was a good game, it was another one that didnt let you feel in control of nothing more then a character trying to rise up in rank to be a Don. Then theres my favorite of the bunch which was Omerta and although it got very mixed reveiws it did do almost everything right, It manages to capture you as a lone gangster trying to rise in rank and it does this good, and then theres the feeling and being in control for you do buy buisnesses and manage the economics of your empire etc, but where it falls short is that yea the battles could have been better, there not bad and there fun they just could have been so much better, then theres the once you buy buildings and manage your empire but when you go to the next scenerio all your hard work is obsolete since it has no bearing on the next scenerio, this is another case where they should have let your previous scenerios effect your present ones and add the other gangs trying to take over your turf etc, and as good as this game is theres really no sense of actually owning a empire so much as it is doing good in a scenerio and it makes you not really care about upgrading and decorating your home base cause whats the point, once you move to the next scenerio it hardly matters.