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Alleged E-mail to full-time Microsoft employees:

On 05/07/2013 at 03:25 AM by Super Step

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Just got done watching this, and it had some interesting gaming news. Text can be seen around 5:10 mark. It reads as follows:

"Durango is designed to deliver the future of entertainment while engineered to be tolerant of today's Internet." It continues, "There are a number of scenarios that our users expect to work without an Internet connection, and those should 'just work' regardless of their current connection status. Those include, but are not limited to: playing a Blu-ray disc, watching live TV, and yes playing a single player game."

Text taken from Ars Technia article "Microsoft: Next Xbox will work even when your Internet doesn’t: Scenarios that users expect to work offline will, in fact, work offline" by Peter Bright.

I grant you it's "alleged," but since the whole always-online thing is rumor-based to start with, it may as well be hard news at this point ... no it shouldn't, I take that back, but it does make sense for them to do this as a PR move; send this e-mail and leak it.

My question is, was Ben/BrokenH right that they were initially planning to have it be always-online, but decided to take that out as a feature following the Orth backlash? I have almost no knowledge of how building/manufacturing a console works, so I figured it was too late in the game at this point if say, they had millions of "Durangos" already made and couldn't remove whatever chip thingy made it an online-only system. But perhaps I'm wrong and that was an easily removable component they were testing the waters with, and Orth will be hired back on officially when everything is all said and done, cause they were just using his Twitter account as a way to test said waters.

Or they were planning it, but Orth just let the shitstorm happen, and they opportunistically realized they needed to fire the whistle blowing jackass, while re-tooling the system to make it function without internet connectivity.

Or, what I find most likely, they hadn't really made a decision yet, then the backlash from Orth's twitter fiasco sealed their decision; equally likely to me: the always-online thing was just a dumb internet rumor, and for some reason Orth just really wanted an always-online console to exist, or maybe he was trolling. 

But in any case, if this e-mail is real, as said in the video, the next XBOX will be able to play both Blu-Rays and live television; also notice playing a single-player game is mentioned dead last, a fact I'm sure many weary of the "entertainment box" direction allegedly being taken took note of.

I for one am once again actually looking forward to this thing once again, and I hope the rumor is true, cause I'd love having a Blu-Ray player, cable box, and gaming system all in one, though I'm not sure if I believe shoving all of those into one box will help it run smoothly, but that's why I'll be a late adopter regardless.

What do you guys think? Is your hype reignited for the next XBOX, if it ever existed, or are you just growing more skeptical of the all-in-one entertainment box approach? Do you think the e-mail is real? You know what I think already, so sound off in the comments.



Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 03:40 AM

Also, i just finished actually watching the rest of the video up top (paused it to type this blog) and here's the comment I left in my desperate but more than likely meaningless attempt to get "pelted in the face" with an XBOX 360.

"It makes me very nervous, because this makes it easier in the future for people to have guns who really shouldn't, almost regardless of law if someone knows someone with a 3D printer. That being said, I want the next XBOX to also be a gun."

Maybe in the future, I'll just be able to 3D print my own game system. The future, man.


05/07/2013 at 04:49 AM

I love my X box and I am still seriously considering getting the next one when it comes out but I think companies like Microsoft use rumors to their advantage any how. What better way to gauge public reaction than the occasional 'leak'. Theres still loads of time to tune their system to the demands of the community and I'm pretty sure that Microsoft are far too experienced to make the mistakes that Nintendo seem to make when releasing their new software (I mean that Microsoft deal with a lot more ventures and products than Nintendo do such as PC software etc). Microsoft aand Sony are good at listening to the demands of their user base, and whilst I'm sure there are examples to the latter I would guess that both companies will make their new machines very competative when they do eventually see release. Thanks for posting this by the way, I feel a little lift inside!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 05:07 AM

Yeah, I definitely think using the rumor mill as both a hype machine and a public opinion gauge has worked very well for Microsoft if that's what they did.

In Nintendo's defense, I think I remember that because of their smaller overhead, their profit margins are actually a bit higher than the competition most generations, so they usually know how to make a profit in their niche. Could be wrong, but while outside the Wii, NES, and SNES, their consoles haven't been the biggest selling each generation, they've done something right to stay around so long.

I also feel like a weight has been lifted. This means actual competition between Microsoft and Sony going forward if it's true, and I sense that it is. Thanks for commenting!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/07/2013 at 05:36 AM

I hope this is true, because I like you, I belive competition is good. but I am less thrilled with it being an entertainment box and less a video game box.  I appreciate what they're trying to do, but it just doesn't cater to me entirely, as I'm a gamer first, and all other media come second. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 05:39 AM

I have to admit, it actually does appeal to me, but its appeal depends on other factors like how it compares to PS4 in terms of software line-up, hardware capabilities, price tag, how long the system will last when used properly, etc. so we'll see, but I'm glad they don't appear to be going full retard with online-onlly at least.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/07/2013 at 05:55 AM

Am I the only one who think's Orth was being Microsoft's martyr and he was simply 'testing the waters' for Microsoft? I think it's weird how he said it would be online-only, then after the backlash Microsoft pushed their console revealing back from April to May, and now after the original reveal date and before the new reveal we get this rumor...


I'm beginning to wonder if I'm more excited for the new consoles or the end of the rumors.?

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 06:10 AM

No, Ben and I have thought the same about Orth, so you're not alone in thinking that was it. I am also looking forward to having actual facts to go on with this stuff.

Cary Woodham

05/07/2013 at 06:05 AM

The 360 is my favorite out of the current consoles, but I didn't get one at first.  I waited until it had enough games I wanted to play to warrant a purchase.  That's what'll happen with me on the new Xbox as well.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 06:12 AM

Yeah, I was always an early adopter with Nintendo, but I skipped this generation, and all the Red Ring of Death and other hardware malfunction stories with this current generation when they were new has pretty much solidified that I will not be an early adopter in this coming generation.


05/07/2013 at 08:01 AM

Right now I am done with next gen consoles, to much in the rumor mill for me. I am focusing on getting the older systems that I do not have. I hope Microsoft and Sony the best.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 09:33 AM

Yeah, I myself missed out on this entire generation, but it's the longest running generation yet, so God knows there'll be a lot of games for it. Games are honestly taking a seat way behind getting my life together (i.e. either getting a Master's or a better job that enables me to live on my own), but as soon as that happens I might invest in a PS3, preferably a model with backwards compatibility.


05/07/2013 at 09:18 AM

I will just wait untill everyone has there cards on the table. This has always worked out in my favor in the past. Plus I have only had my PS3 for a year now so for me it is new, and I have enough games to keep me satisfied for years. In regards to the multi functionality, I like that I can watch movies and play cds on my console. But it is a games console and that should be its #1 function. Reverse compatability is also high on my list of features that all three companies have decided to scrap. This would not bother me so much if the virtual consoles had the catalogues that they claimed they would. But they don't and I 'm really not too keen on rebuying games I already own. But some of the new features they mention just sound like pointless gimmicky bullshit.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 09:36 AM

Reverse compatibility is something that bothers the shit out of me about these new consoles, and might mean I buy a PS3 eventually, but never a "new gen" console.

As for gimmicky bullshit, the IllumiRoom Microsoft showed off (basically a projector that covers multiple walls) does not look ready, but it's a neat concept ... it is gimmicky, though, and not something I'd pay any sort of premium for in the near future until all the kinks are worked out.


05/07/2013 at 09:29 AM

My interest level had gone up, but then it dropped even further down.  If it is just going to be a home theatre pc that can play games, why wouldnt I build my own and play my massive collection of steam games?

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 09:42 AM

My answer to that would be price, access to live cable TV (apparently), and the preference to play on a TV as opposed to a PC monitor.

But, price could be justifiable if you have both more games and more functionality, cable TV isn't as attractive when you can find most of it online not that much later than it airs, and you could probably find a way of hooking up your PC to a TV. Still, for some dumb reason, I just prefer buying consoles for games, so I don't know if I have an intellectual argument other than I've just always been a console gamer.

That and if they actually have lots of exclusives you can't get on PC, it might be worth it, but ... you know, I'm just gonna wait until everything has been out a while. lol


05/07/2013 at 09:45 AM

I hope it's not always online, but I really could care less. I'll never buy a system like that anyway, and I am so fucking bored with this current generation that it's gonna take a lot to get me to invest the necessary money for next gen. I might just buy a pc next time I need a new gaming platform.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 09:53 AM

I've been thinking of getting a new laptop regardless, so I may go that route as well.

I heavily doubt it'll always be online though, I'm fairly certain this e-mail is legitimate.

From what I've played of this generation, I'd be kind of bored of it, too honestly (played DmC 4 at a friend's place, found it boring/repetitive with too many cutscenes, couldn't really get into AC: 2, find FPS extremely dull, etc.), but I still want a PS3 for Blu Ray and backwards compatibility. If I ever make good on actually getting one, I feel like a broken record saying I'll buy one of these systems eventually, but have no idea if I'll ever actually do it.

True Gamer At Heart

05/07/2013 at 12:11 PM

My intrest level has remained the same.. I did not even believe 1% that the next xbox was only going to be online all the time..So nothing new for me

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 12:18 PM

My belief level was at 35%. It is now at a healthy 10%, just to be safe. I'm also 78% certain the Sun revolves around the Earth, and everything around me is being created by a brain inside of a tube.

In closing, Sigmund Freud was right about everything he ever said.


05/07/2013 at 12:50 PM

It very well could be nothing but rumors, smoke, & mirrors. lol. I'd have to see the 720/Nextbox technology to know if it's easy to change it between online only and offline functionality.

It's just Orth's comments were so stupid and asinine I suspected he was "testing the waters" on account I found it difficult to believe any guy in his position could be that clueless. Surely he had to be trolling deliberately! (And if none of us got mad over online only functionality perhaps MS would have went along with it. I don't know for sure though.)

 Also, even when I brought this up I was not fully convinced what Orth said was the truth. The guy kind of comes off as a weasel,y'know? It's also possible he knew he was getting laid off ahead of time and caused drama just to go out with a bang!

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 02:13 PM

That's possible, yeah. Here's an example of the most hilarious "I'm being fired ahead of time" gag.


05/12/2013 at 12:30 PM

Elizabeth is awesome! lol.


05/07/2013 at 10:38 PM

Saw this today as I normally download his podcast each morning. Amazing how he seems to be so on top of what's going on out there. I am very hopeful now that the always online thing will not become reality. It has to be real,just going with my gut instinct.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/08/2013 at 12:46 AM

I'd imagine either it's "real," or Microsoft "leaked" it so people would stop saying always-online was their plan.


05/12/2013 at 12:14 PM

me thinks they had to make a software firmware revision to remove that feature a la the PS3 having linux suppoet removed via firmware update. we'll only know for sure when someone rips the guts out of the new xbox to see if the hardware/code had it in there.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/12/2013 at 09:37 PM

I wish I knew how these things worked, cause it's so cool to me how you could just figure things out like that. 

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