Wait, next gen consoles are going to be powered by what?! Awwwww yeah!
What's behind the dance of fools?
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![]() On 05/07/2013 at 01:49 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
I've been thinking a lot about the dumb idiotic things our politicians and celebrities say. As such, I've entertained the theory that these things are "smoke screens" to keep the media's attention away from the real stuff going on behind the fog of deception. Whether it's the NRA trying to blame videogames for gun related violence, game journalists squeezing the lemons of controversy merely to increase traffic to their sites, PR reps spouting ridiculous nonsense, another supposedly "terrorist" bombing or shooting story, or Snookie doing what Snookie does best, can these people really be this stupid? Or do they do these entertaining yet foolhardy displays intentionally to grab our attention so we will not peek behind the curtain? Just how much deliberately orchestrated misdirection and redirection is going on when it comes to front page stories and articles?
I believe some of these jesters know what is going on but other jesters really are simply pawns getting their strings pulled. Either way, I really want to see what's beyond the suspicious looking door sealed by a multitude of locking mechanisms!
Any number of wondrous possibilities could be true. The next generation consoles might be powered by sex and blood magic. Our world-leaders might slavishly serve "the ancient gods" who demand regular human sacrifices. Or the people holding the cash,cameras,and microphones simply don't want us to know the economy is collapsing in on itself and the earth will eventually be like a post apocalyptic "water world" because of global warming!
Regardless, think for a moment on how many rights and how much privacy we used to have as compared to now. Scary isn't it? When what we have is slowly taken away from us we do not notice it. For example, we're not concerned if one plate goes unaccounted for. But imagine how inconvenient it is after our whole china set is suddenly missing! If you have multiple hundred dollar bills and a fist full of 20 dollar bills the clever thief will start by taking a 20. He or she knows you would be more apt to notice if a hundred dollar bill vanished from your wallet. The government (which is run by big businesses) is masterful at this technique. Consider the blog here food for thought! Is the joke on us?