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What's behind the dance of fools?

On 05/07/2013 at 01:49 PM by BrokenH

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I've been thinking a lot about the dumb idiotic things our politicians and celebrities say. As such, I've entertained the theory that these things are "smoke screens" to keep the media's attention away from the real stuff going on behind the fog of deception. Whether it's the NRA trying to blame videogames for gun related violence, game journalists squeezing the lemons of controversy merely to increase traffic to their sites, PR reps spouting ridiculous nonsense, another supposedly "terrorist" bombing or shooting story, or Snookie doing what Snookie does best, can these people really be this stupid? Or do they do these entertaining yet foolhardy displays intentionally to grab our attention so we will not peek behind the curtain? Just how much deliberately orchestrated misdirection and redirection is going on when it comes to front page stories and articles?

I believe some of these jesters know what is going on but other jesters really are simply pawns getting their strings pulled. Either way, I really want to see what's beyond the suspicious looking door sealed by a multitude of locking mechanisms!

Any number of wondrous possibilities could be true. The next generation consoles might be powered by sex and blood magic. Our world-leaders might slavishly serve "the ancient gods" who demand regular human sacrifices. Or the people holding the cash,cameras,and microphones simply don't want us to know the economy is collapsing in on itself and the earth will eventually be like a post apocalyptic "water world" because of global warming!

Regardless, think for a moment on how many rights and how much privacy we used to have as compared to now. Scary isn't it? When what we have is slowly taken away from us we do not notice it. For example, we're not concerned if one plate goes unaccounted for. But imagine how inconvenient it is after our whole china set is suddenly missing! If you have multiple hundred dollar bills and a fist full of 20 dollar bills the clever thief will start by taking a 20. He or she knows you would be more apt to notice if a hundred dollar bill vanished from your wallet. The government (which is run by big businesses) is masterful at this technique. Consider the blog here food for thought! Is the joke on us?



Super Step Contributing Writer

05/07/2013 at 02:21 PM

Wait, next gen consoles are going to be powered by what?! Awwwww yeah!


05/07/2013 at 02:30 PM



05/07/2013 at 04:09 PM

I really try to stay up on what is going on in politics. And I get news from a variety of sources. But it just seems like we're being played most of the time. Like it's all one big puppet show put on to entertain the masses. Corporations are the ones pulling the strings. They truly run the show and always win. No matter who wins elections they get their way because they play both sides. It's win-win for them that way.


05/07/2013 at 09:54 PM

These days many big corporations put money into political campaigns. I'm sure deals are made when this happens,Celt.

I remember when Obama talked big & bad about making Bank Of America and several companies straighten up. Then they all got kick-backs!


05/07/2013 at 04:53 PM

I hear ya, brother. Cool


05/07/2013 at 09:54 PM

It's all bullshit,James! Damn it all to hades!


05/07/2013 at 07:35 PM

Crazy conspiracy theories aside there is plenty of proof that those in charge are willing to do all kinds of shady shit to keep things that way. And one way is to keep people stupid by making it hard to get a real education. Destroy relevant culture and substitute it with mind numbing mediocrity. Feed people propaganda that makes them cling to things like religion and patriotism. This is why I don't listen to commercial radio or watch commercial TV. Its brain thinner and its obnoxious. But sometimes its hard to get away from, like standing in the check out line at the grocery store. They stuff a train wreck of stupid celebrity "who gives a fuck news", tired ass top ten list, and 100 sex tips that were not in the last issue. I don't have kids, don't want them. But I have a nephew who is not quite 2 and when I think of the world he is going to grow up in, it just really bums me out.


05/07/2013 at 10:03 PM

On the plus side maybe today's children will be smart enough to see passed the bullshit. I can hope,bro! Still,brainwashing,propaganda,and subliminal messages can warp and break even an intelligent mind. I think using such coercion and manipulation should be illegal but a sleazy enough lawyer would simply argue such idiocracy is covered under freedom of speech and freedom of expression. (But if you read the fine print of the constitution those freedoms become null and void when they impede upon the happiness and well being of other humans.)


05/07/2013 at 11:55 PM

Your right! You'll have to pardon my pessimistic streak, that bitch runs deep. A few years back this kind of stuff had me so tweeked and jacked up that I had to go on a news and information fast. I didn't listen to, watch or read the news for almost two weeks. But sadly I think every generation likes to believe " were different, we'll get it right", but there is always that handful who are carbon copies of the assholes who spawned them. They pass on the torch of racism, greed, ignorance, and intollerance. But all we can do is educate ourselves and try to educate others the best we can, and hope that if rubs off on some people.


05/07/2013 at 11:45 PM

A colleauge of mine once told me he believes that the rule to controlling scoiety is simply to make sure thet we almost have evrything we need but continually dangle the carrot of the next best thing in front of us. Just upgraded you TV to a plasma screen? great you just need that new entertainment surround sound unit to save up for to finish the job. But what about comfort when watching you favourite flicks or playing your killer game, looks like I'll need that new recliner to go with the set. Just when you think you ve got everything, something else comes out and what better way to distract people from the points you ve made then keeping them running around in material circles. personally I believe that the 'suspicious looking door sealed by a multitude of locking mechanisms' is what happens after we leave this world. People that truly want to know whats happening now should just read historically (assuming it hasn't all been re-written!) to see that humanity is the same as it always has been, full of violence and hate as much as it is love and compassion. What I find interesting in these respects is that love and compassion usually happens on much smaller scales, between a handful of people and goes un-reported. But it's still there.

Wow that certainly woke me up this morning, thanks for the good read Ben, I can always rely on you to get my mental cogs turning!


05/08/2013 at 01:26 AM

There's wisdom in what you say. Even though I don't consider myself a materialistic person I still fantasize sometimes about winning the lottery. lol.

Many people also chase the "American dream". Aka, the pursuit of the perfect wife,perfect home,perfect job, and the perfect neighborhood. But when you break it down everything comes with a price and there's a down-side to wealth,sex,and prestige.

  We spend so much time in the rat-races trying to materialistically elevate ourselves it's too easy to lose sight of what is really important,Adam.

However, as a poor person I think I've learned to appreciate compassion and true friendship over fancy expensive trinkets. For that I'm eternally grateful!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/08/2013 at 06:51 AM


I understand where you're coming from....


Seriously, I think that pic describes exactly what you're trying to say.


05/08/2013 at 04:58 PM

That is a perfect visual reprsentation and props for using Wizard Of Oz,Chris. lol. Love the movie to this day!


05/08/2013 at 05:59 PM

You have your values in the right place. People are what matter,not material goods. I don't try to chase after big ticket items and fancy things. We all have to live within our means. Though many do not,they simply run up enormous credit card debt. That makes people indentured servants in a way. They find themselves so far in debt they can never get out. We got rid of our cards after paying them off. There are tons of absolutely miserable rich folks in the world. Always wanting more and more stuff!


05/08/2013 at 06:25 PM

George Carlin said people usually get bigger houses merely to fit more of their stuff into. lol. I really miss that guy.

I think it's okay to want a few comforts but I don't understand the people who are still left wanting after they have 10 cars, 5 yachts, and 2 private jets.

Decadence is its' own kind of stupidity. At least that's how I see it.


05/08/2013 at 07:53 PM

I imagine the joke is on us. Maybe it's time to take a page from the Comedian eh, Ben? “Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.”


05/08/2013 at 10:55 PM

I would become a comedian if I had a "true talent" for it. Sadly, I'm not always amusing or always funny,Kev. lol.

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