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BaD #6: Electric Yo-Yo

On 02/08/2021 at 11:40 AM by daftman

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Electric Yo-Yo

Released: 1982

Pitch: Clear the screen with your yo-yo.

First of all, this game has nothing to do with actual yo-yoing. No surprise there. The screen is covered with a pattern of blocks, which you clear by touching them. If you're lined up with a block either horizontally or vertically and push in that direction, your yo-yo string will shoot out and pull you to that block. Otherwise you move one block space at a time. It's possible to move around the screen very quickly thanks to the yo-yo string. There are two kinds of bad guys. Each level has a couple that act like you, moving from block to block (but without clearing them, of course). The other is a single bad guy that bounces around the outside of the blocks and any block it touches will flash for a second or two. If you grab that flashing block, you will be invicible to those first bad guys, making it easier to clear the level. It is a surprisingly difficult game but one I feel I can do better at with more practice and strategy. It could be frustrating at times but I found myself going back for one more try...several times, and that is a mark of a good game.



Super Step Contributing Writer

02/08/2021 at 06:24 PM

"I found myself going back for one more try...several times, and that is a mark of a good game."

I find the same to be true of meth. 

This does look like an interesting arcade concept though. I like games that limit your movement in just the rignt way, so action is smooth but the gameplay is still a bit of a puzzle. 


02/08/2021 at 08:53 PM

Man, I totally forgot about this one. Neat idea. Sort of like a free form Pac-Man, or Pac-Man without a maze. The enemies remind me of Centipede enemies too. 

Cary Woodham

02/09/2021 at 08:39 AM

There are so many games on that Taito Legends collection, and it's been so long since I played it, that I forgot about this one.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

02/09/2021 at 09:35 AM

When I think Taito, I think Elevator Action.

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