I have a lot of trust in Respawn. Their work on gameplay has always been excellent. I'm excited that my weekly Game Pass quest this week features Titanfall 2, so I'll play it this weekend. I've owned the game for a while because it was so cheap and good. I just needed a good excuse. I'm also interested in Apex Legends. I had it crash on my last time I tried it, but I'm going to give it another try on Xbox later this year.
Captain N's Games of the Decade: Expansion Pass #8
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Games of the Decade: Expansion Pass #8/Blog a Day #23
Hello everyone, how are you?
First-person shooters have come a long way since games like Wolfenstein and DOOM to Goldeneye 007 to modern first-person shooter games like Halo. There have been plenty of shooters since, but to be honest games like Battlefield or Call of Duty don't really appeal to me. I'm sure the games are good, I love the genre but I suppose the setting is something that doesn't appeal to me too much. But if there's one thing I do love is that there's many different type of first-person shooter games out there that try something different. There is a game I played not long ago that surprised me so much that I regret not trying it sooner. For #8 we are going to pilot our mech and drop into Titanfall 2.
The music in this game is very epic
Titanfall is a series I have always heard of but never bothered getting into, mostly due to the first game being a multiplayer only game and the fact that I had to pay an online subcription to play online on the 360. I don't like paying to play online. It's a shame since I'm a huge fan of giant robots and whatnot and Titanfall looked like a game I'd enjoy. Years pased by and Titanfall 2 was going to have a single-player mode. I didn't get the game till last year when it was on sale, like it usually always is. I decided to just buy it and here is what I thought about it.
The game takes place in The Frontier, a star system that's far away from Earth. The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation and the Frontier Militia are in war fighting for the control of The Frontier. The ICM wants to use up the resources of The Frontier with no regard to the impact that it'll have on the environment or the civilizations living there, whereas the Frontline Militia is fighting for the independence of The Frontier. In the game you play as Jack Cooper, a rifleman for the Frontline Militia who aspires to be a Titan pilot. But since this is war he is suddenly tasked to become the pilot of BT-7274, the Titan of his former mentor in hopes to tip the scales of the war.
With Jack Cooper being a pilot, he has access to a jump kit which allows him to enhance his abilities and perform stunts like double jumping, performing parkour, and wall-running. You can also slide, melee kill enemies, and you even have a cloaking device. You also have a variety of weapons to choose from ranging from pistols, snipers, rifles, grenades and more. One thing I love is how refreshing the gameplay feels since you can chain the jump kit abilities together for increased mobility and you can apply that to the gunplay as well.
You can pet the ICM soldier
In Titanfall 2 you can pilot mechs called Titans. For the single-player mode you pilot BT-7274 and like Jack, BT also has his own set of abilities. Since BT is a robot he isn't as agile as a pilot but he comes packed with some serious fire power and far better protection. You can find different weapon loadouts for BT as you progress through the game which gives him different weapons and abilities and you can select between them at any time. You can also get in and get out of BT at any time depending on the level.
The game features 9 missions in the single-player and I love how large the areas are for the levels and they offer multiple paths to reach your destination. Each level eases you in on the mechanics of the game and it always throws something new at you. You'll have to make use of everything you've learned for a number of the puzzles in the game but pretty soon you'll be running and gunning and doing some pretty crazy stuff.
"But Captain N, where can I play this game?" It's available on the PS4, Xbox One, and on PC via Steam. The game is really cheap both new and used and it goes on sale often digitally. Heck I got it for less than $7 digitally on PS4. The game is also backwards compatible on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The game also has online multiplayer, I unfortunately never got to try it out but if it's anything like the single-player mode in terms of the mechanics then I'm sure it's really fun. Definitely try it out, you have no excuse not to with a game this good and this cheap.
The Titans stay true to their name. Literally.
Final Thoughts: Titanfall 2 is among one of the best first-person shooters that I have ever played. The mechanics in the game are just great, I love how everything just works so well together. From the double jumping, the parkour, and the wall running. The parkour and wall running remind me a lot of another EA game, Mirror's Edge. The graphics look great and the levels are really great too. There is this one level that I won't spoil but it blew me away. It's by far the best level in the game and I have never played a game with a concept like that. It's crazy and really trippy. In short, the campaign in Titanfall 2 is among some of the best single-player campaigns that I've ever played from the fps games that I've ever played. It's that good.
Like the single-player campaign, you aren't really playing it for the story, but rather the actual gameplay itself. However I will say that the interaction between Cooper and BT was really good. Having them both talk to each other and having the option to choose dialgue options gives them more character and personality. There are some really funny moments between the two and I really loved that since it throws humor in there in an overall serious plot. I really loved BT, he was a Titan, a machine, but he felt human to me. Just like Optimus Prime.
It's a crime that we might not get Titanfall 3. I heard that Respawn was working on a Titanfall game but that was put on hold due to Apex Legends. I've never played it, the concept sounds interesting and fun. But I don't know if the trade-off was any good. When it comes to Battle Royale games, at least for me, I can only really commit to one because of how much grind you have to put into them. I hope that with Titanfall 2 continuing to go on sale and more people checking it out that maybe EA will gives us Titanfall 3. I mean it's EA, if they can't make money from it then they won't. One can only hope. But for now, try out Titanfall 2, it's such a great and different take on an already familiar genre that is kinda hard to innovate on.
Huh, I wonder what this is for?
Cherish the bonds you make with people you know. All the laughs, all the memories. Life is random and can throw something unexpected at you in the heat of a moment. You never know what will happen after that or the next day.
That's it for this one. For #07 we are going to the Police Station for our first day on the job, so hope it all goes well. Thanks for reading and...
*All images were taken by my PS4 and my copy of the game*