Hello everyone! So if you're like me, you tend to not replay lengthy games because there are so many new games that I want to beat and time is of the essence. BUT there are so many games that I've beaten that I would LOVE to play again. So I thought why not have a whole month dedicated to replaying games? I'm totally making this up, but if you would like to join me, replay one of your favorite games this month and tell us about it and why you love it so much.
For me, I will be replaying not one, but two of my favorite games ever:
Viewtiful Joe and Viewtiful Joe 2 for Gamecube
I'm cheating (2 games) because both of these are pretty short games. You can look forward to my posts each Saturday this month as I tell you why I love these games so much and why I think Joe needs to make a comeback (c'mon, Capcom!).
Once again, feel free to share a game that you love and take some time to play it again this month! That's all!