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Awesome VG Adaptations: Ace Attorney Anime

On 11/02/2021 at 10:50 AM by The Last Ninja

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This is a new series I’m doing for the month of November in which I will be looking at 8 video game franchises that have been successfully adapted to another form of media (TV, movie, or comics). There are certainly more than 8, but these are just the ones I would like to focus on. Honestly, many of these blew me away by how good they were (because most video game adaptations are trash).

I’m starting with the Phoenix Wright anime, which is simply entitled “Ace Attorney.” Released in 2016 to coincide with the franchise’s 15th anniversary, this two-season anime covers the exact stories from the original trilogy. The first half of season one covers the four cases from the first game; the second half of season one covers the four cases from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney—Justice for All; and the second season covers the five cases from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney—Trials and Tribulations. This is what makes this anime so special. Fans of the series (such as myself) adore the original trilogy, and being able to see those stories come to life as an anime is like a dream come true. However, this could also be a disaster if the characters and stories are not done right.

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Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. This anime is extremely faithful to the stories and characters of the games, and watching it all happen is pure joy. I’m so glad that Capcom made an English dub! Phoenix is voiced by Eric Vale, who is simply perfect. Phoenix is the most relatable character in this series, always full of optimism, and yet often showing a side of vulnerability that we can understand when he gets into impossible situations. The underdog element is perhaps one reason why so many gamers have enjoyed the series over the last 20 years. The rest of the cast is fantastic as well. Everyone’s voices seem to fit perfectly, with the exception of Maya, who sounds like a 10-year-old rather than a girl in her late teens. Her voice can be annoying at times, but it certainly doesn’t ruin the show. Her character is faithful to the way she was portrayed in the games. If you’re familiar with the cast, you’ll love seeing Gumshoe, Larry Butz, Edgeworth, Franziska (and many others) done right.

The cases are broken into several episodes if needed. Some will be three episodes long, while others will be five. The last case of season two is the longest, being seven episodes (and that grand finale doesn’t disappoint). If you’re familiar with the games, you know that each case is broken into two sections: investigation and trial. The writers definitely understood that the investigation side was more slow, and so those parts are truncated with just the right amount of information for the viewer before getting back to the trial. I noticed that certain things are left out completely, such as the psyche locks sections from the second game. And yet nothing is ever lost with these things being left out. The story still comes across clearly. And don’t worry, the trial sections are dramatic, exciting, and satisfying. They also added this thing where Phoenix's finger point has power that knocks the testifier back. It's really silly and quite hilarious at times (this IS an anime, after all).

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What’s amazing is the fact that the writers decided to add a few extra episodes that were brand-new. Fans will be delighted to know that these episodes are excellent. Two of said episodes are flashbacks to when Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Larry Butz were kids. These are great because they give us more character depth to these three individuals. We learn why Phoenix decided to become a lawyer, and also get to see some of Edgeworth’s upbringing under the notorious Manfred von Karma. Another bonus case is a three-parter that takes place on a train, and it’s so creative and interesting that I wonder if Shu Takumi himself helped with the story. These extra episodes don’t disappoint in the least.

Speaking of disappointments, perhaps the most disappointing aspect of this anime is the music. The Ace Attorney games are known for their excellent soundtracks, and yet that music is rarely used during the episodes. The opening (which is different for each game’s cases) is simply a generic Japanese anime song complete with English subtitles to read. However, there will be moments when you’ll recognize a theme, such as a dramatic courtroom moment when the Objection theme will kick in, or Godot’s awesome theme at the end of the final case. But unfortunately, these moments aren’t too often. However, in no way does this ruin this amazing anime (I’m just nitpicking since I’m a huge fan).

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For my money, the Ace Attorney anime is one of the best VG adaptations ever! The stories and characters are done right, and I failed to mention that the animation is gorgeous. Fans of these games will not be disappointed. It could be that you’ve wanted to play these games, but have said, “I don’t have the time.” This is a great alternative, as you will get the same experience (maybe even better) that the games offer. I’m hoping that Capcom will decide to make more seasons to this series, but if not, we still got something very special here.

Purchase the Ace Attorney anime here



Cary Woodham

11/03/2021 at 08:41 AM

First of all, thanks for the link to the English verison of the Phoenix Wright anime.  I knew about the anime but I didn't know you could get it on disc.  So I've added it to my Christmas wish list for my family to get for me! :)

You know what I'd like to see is the Phoenix Wright live action movie.  I know it's horrible but I don't care.  I wanna watch it anyway.  I'm pretty tolerant to bad movies considering my favorite TV show of all time is Mystery Science Theater 3000.

When you do your blog series, I hope you consider the Kirby anime.  It may be Saturday morning fluff, but it's pretty good for what it is.

The Last Ninja

11/03/2021 at 11:04 AM

Glad to help you get it. I know you'll love it. The live action movie is baffling. It looks like they spent some good money to make it, but yeah, Phoenix Wright just doesn't translate well to live action, it's just too goofy. As for the Kirby series, it won't be showing up here just because there were certain ones I wanted to do, and it didn't quite make the cut. But I love that cartoon, it's certainly one of the best VG cartoons out there.


11/03/2021 at 06:07 PM

I'd like to see the films done for Professor Layton. 

The Last Ninja

11/04/2021 at 10:26 AM

As far as I know, there's only one of those. Stay tuned! You might see something about that coming up. I will say that the Professor Layton movie is Wow!

Cary Woodham

11/05/2021 at 06:05 AM

I have the Prof. Layton movie on DVD.

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