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OST So Good! #9: Super Mario Galaxy

On 02/11/2022 at 10:34 AM by The Last Ninja

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Wii, 2007

Composers: Mahito Yokota, Koji Kondo

Mario music is always great, but I have to give the nod to the first Mario Galaxy, which is also my favorite 3D Mario game. This was the first time that a Mario OST had a real orchestral, which made the game sound grand and huge. Up until this point, Mario music had been mostly jazz, and after Galaxy 2, it reverted back to jazz (for the most part), making the Galaxy OSTs completely unique in the Mario canon. This is the most cinematic Mario OST I’ve ever heard. The main composer was Mahito Yokota, who composed all the original music, while Koji Kondo helped with a few Mario remixes. A nice touch is that the orchestra is called the “Mario Galaxy Orchestra.” Here are few standout songs. 

Gusty Garden Galaxy

This is probably the best song in the game. It starts with soothing strings that play an enjoyable melody. The percussion and horns in the background are bouncing in an adventurous rhythm. The song masterfully sets up the climax which happens at 1’15” as the strings play a triumphant melody, followed by the trumpets taking it over and making it even more grand. It’s so good! I remember hearing this song for the first time while playing the game, and I couldn’t believe it—it just didn’t sound like the Mario music I was used to (and that’s not a bad thing). 

Space Junk Galaxy 

This one is really beautiful. There’s a light airy feel while a lone piano plays the melody. It’s a little reminiscent of Dire Dire Docks (Mario 64) in that it’s very calming and soothing. The piano will drop out at times as spacey beats take over, but then the piano comes in again before the song loops. It’s also a really “feel good” song, as the melody is very positive (major key). If you need to relax, maybe give it a listen.  

Megaleg (Fast)

This plays during a boss fight against Bowser Jr inside a giant robot named Megaleg, specifically, the last phase of the fight, which is why the song sounds so frantic. Notice that more instruments are added to each succession (trumpets, then strings) until we reach the climax in which the melody sounds very dire and intense. Then the song slows down, which gives a slight glimmer of hope before getting back to the successive rhythm of the song’s beginning. It’s a very exciting song that is fun to listen to. 

The Galaxy Reactor

This is the theme for the final level as you make your way to Bowser. It really does sound like a last level. At first there’s a sinister feeling, led by the strings and backed up by bass piano. Things then ramp up a bit, and suddenly the string sound more hopeful, which leads to the trumpets taking over with a confidence that says “you can do this.” They only last for a few seconds before the song loops. It’s a short song, and yet it’s profound and gripping. 

Ending Credits 

From beginning to end, this song is perfect. The opening is exciting as the trumpets declare triumph, and then the strings play the main theme from the game. An oboe then plays a soothing theme, backed up by flutes and strings. I won’t describe the whole song, but it’s beautiful and grand. It’s also very cinematic, almost sounding like a John Williams movie theme. If you’ve never heard it before, be sure to take the time to listen to the whole song. 

Also check out: Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST 

Download this beautiful OST here




02/11/2022 at 01:58 PM

Gusty Garden Galaxy. Such a great song! I really wish we'd get a Galaxy 3 but failing that, I want another level-based 3D Mario game. Odyssey was very good and all, but I like the confined levels of Galaxy better. And the music! So good.

The Last Ninja

02/12/2022 at 12:45 AM

Galaxy 3 would be great, but I think it's more likely we'll be getting Odyssey 2, or something like Bowser's Fury (open world). Open world is all the rage, so another Galaxy game would be unlikely. 

Cary Woodham

02/12/2022 at 08:35 AM

I really liked the orchestral songs in Galaxy.  It fit so well!  Super Mario Galaxy was my GOTY back in 2007.  Portal would've gotten my GOTY that year, but I didn't play it until the next year, when The Orange Box went down in price.  But Galaxy is still worthy of that award.  When the Super Mario 3-D All-Stars game came out, I played all three games on it again, but Galaxy was the only one on it I actually finished again.  Mario 64 may still be my favorite 3-D Mario title, but Galaxy is a close second.

The Last Ninja

02/12/2022 at 09:24 AM

It's my GOTY for 2007 as well, and that was a good year! When I got 3D All-Stars, I played through and beat Sunshine because I hadn't played it, and I didn't like it much. So after that I replayed Galaxy, and it still holds up. It was a joy to play again. The music is a big part of that experience. 


02/14/2022 at 03:19 PM

Megaleg sounds a lot like an Emerson, Lake and Palmer song and the End Credits sound very much like what Disney might do. 

I tried Super Mario Galaxy a little while back and stopped because of a certain platforming segment that frustrated me but I love the setting of SMG 1 and 2 so much, I think I want to try them both again sometime. 

The Last Ninja

02/15/2022 at 12:00 AM

They're great games, so you should totally give them another shot. 

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