Since this site seems to have a lot of JRPG fans I was wondering if anyone was familiar with the Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky game for PSP? I read a couple of positive articles for the game and decided to check it out, although I just started the game I think I'm really enjoying it. My only issue with the game is the game mechanics, and I don't mean it in a bad way. I'm not sure what to reference the battle system from? Most Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest games I can just look to previous installments and find similarites in the battle system or at least some form of familiarity. This being an XSEED game, I haven't come across another battle system like it. The only reference I have is a cross between Radiant Historias visual attack queue and party attacks like Suikoden. There is also a FF7 Materia crystal-like upgrade system for special abilities and attacks. So actually, it's like 3 games, possibly more. It comes off to me as kind of odd. As for the Anime part, so far it's your standard boy and girl character start off in small town then venture out to explore the world. Nothing major has happened yet, but I am enjoying what few hours I've spent so far.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone has played this cool little game for the psp or is familiar with the series, because I'm not.
Update: So the game it reminds me of the most is actually Lunar: Silver Star Story on PSP, which is a really good game as well.
