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Iron Man 3: Enjoyable Farce & 'SPLOSIONS!

On 05/13/2013 at 12:18 PM by Super Step

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I enjoyed the newest Iron Man quite a bit, but have no desire to see it again until it comes out on DVD. Why? Because as well-choreographed, gigantic, and just all around well-executed as the action is (fun fact: the computer FX department portion of the end credits sequence is Godzilla-sized), I'm beginning to notice how these are all kind of the same movie, and that I honestly enjoy them most as good comedy. The stories? Feel mostly inconsequential.

Don't get me wrong, I do like the plot elements they throw in like relationship troubles and Tony's anxiety attacks, which is the biggest connection to the Avengers movie last summer (the ending events of that movie are his nightmare fuel), because those are character-driven elements, and the characters in this series are really strong, but when you boil down the essential plot, once it's fully revealed, it's more or less the same villain motivation and everything as the last two movies, just in a bigger movie. And by bigger, I mean more action set pieces and a lot more witty jokes, which don't get me wrong, make this a very fun ride, and I definitely had fun watching it, I just wound up not caring all that much about the plot.

Also, and yes I know this is in no way meant to be realistic, but there's only so many times my brain can go "you'd be dead there ... and there .. and there .. and there" until I just get a sense of there being no weight to anything, and just figure "you'll survive cause you're this person, and you won't cause they'll find a way to destruct your indestructible whatever-the-hell cause you're this person." And yes, I know that going in as well more or less, but try to put me in some sort of suspense about it. I can only watch an unarmed human be in a one-centimeter radius of a missile so many times before realizing, "oh right, movie missiles carry the same weight as a Super Soaker."

But then, to be fair, I was never as big a fan as everyone else was of the first Iron Man. I'd have to re-watch the first to determine if I think this or that was the best in the series, and I honestly think I might lean towards this, but that's just cause there's more Tony; the plot is still pretty "eh" to me, and might have been better in the first movie. 

There's also some surprisingly good child acting that provides some welcome breathing room in the movie, and a hilarious (I thought) reveal about the villain's operation towards the end; I'd say definitely go see it, but do not be expecting much in the way of serious drama; it's a series of plot points that set up action scene payoffs and punchlines, all of which work really well, they just overshadow the "been there, done that" core story.

Hell, a lot of people wanting to go see this don't even care about story, and just want a character-driven popcorn ride, and this movie has that in spades. It's definitely a fun ride, just don't expect much from the plot.

There is a scene after the credits, but it's just a funny reveal about the story of this movie, like the Schwarma scene after the credits in Avengers, so if you're in a hurry, I'd say just skip it, unless you're in no rush and just want an extra chuckle before you go.




05/13/2013 at 02:04 PM

We are probably going to see it on Saturday. We want to see it in IMAX,and the crowds have been nuts. Starting to die down a bit now,though. Everyone I know so far has liked it a lot. They say there's almost "too much action" for your mind to take in. I loved the first one and the second was pretty decent,though they really did not use Mickey Rourke very effectively. I think I'm going to enjoy Iron Man 3 as much as I did Avengers.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 02:28 PM

I definitely didn't like it as much as I did the Avengers, but it does have that jokey actioner quality to it Avengers had. There are A LOT of action scenes though, and it'll probably look amazing in IMAX. Plus, if you see it this Saturday, everyone will be at Star Trek, so the crowds should definitely be more manageable.


05/13/2013 at 03:53 PM

My wife and I are gonna see this...sometime lol. Robert Downey Jr shines as Tony Stark, so I'm glad to hear he's center stage in this one. Everything you said just reinforces what I was expecting. Looking forward to it Smile

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 04:11 PM

Yeah, it's a big pile of summer Blockbuster fun, just wanted a bit more weight to it, I guess. The twist was funny, but took a bit of the movie's air out of its tires, in my opinion, but I'll let you experience it for yourself.


05/13/2013 at 04:16 PM

I don't know what your talking about Joe. Everybody knows humans can easily survive missles within a 1 centimeter radius lol. Haven't you played Contra? Just kidding man. I will probably wait on this one. It sounds like a fun movie, but I don't go to the movies too often. Thanks for the spoiler free review.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 04:36 PM

You're welcome. I definitely wasn't going to post any spoilers, I hate when people do that. I was actually wondering if I was letting too much on with the anxiety attack bits, but then I was like "nah, it's Tony Stark, people will know it's either that or alcohol withdrawal." lol


05/13/2013 at 04:28 PM

I actually forgot all about iron man.  I knew that it was coming, but i guess that I did not care enough to remember.  Star Trek into Darkness and Man of Steel are the movies that I am looking forward to this summer.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 04:39 PM

Those and Kick-Ass 2 are also my most anticipated this summer.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

05/13/2013 at 04:43 PM

As a lifelong Iron Man fan, it was great to see a movie where he's taken down to just Tony Stark. Since there's no way the movies will ever touch his alcoholism or his playboy lifestyle leading to a crazy ex girlfriend shooting (and thus paralyzing him), the idea of him having issues with the end of Avengers was a great touch.

I think the Mandarin was totally botched and AIM was wasted potential (fingers crossed that they show up in Agents of SHIELD). But this being a character drama/gumshoe story with Tony Stark divorced of his armor for so long harkens back to some of the best Iron Man arcs. It also makes me want to rewatch Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang again, because it was directed by the same guy.

Also, best ending title credits ever.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:08 PM

I really liked the ending credits as well, but I agree that the AIM thing was lame, though I haven't read the comics. I honestly think I would have liked the downward spiral in Tony you described a lot more; much more personal and less lame than "bioweapon people," which I feel is overused as a plot device. 

I knew Shane Black directed Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, but never saw that.

As for Mandarin, I definitely sympathize with that, especially ... well, I agree more or less, but I was able to enjoy what they did as someone who is mostly ignorant of the comics.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/13/2013 at 04:48 PM

yeah, I liked it but I was disappointed in the Mandarin stuff at the same time.  If the movie had been less good I would have hated on it, but I did really enjoy it despite the disappointment. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:10 PM

Oh yeah, I wasn't pissed, but I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more had they gone a more traditional route with his powers. The thing with the monkeys was a bit ham-fisted I thought.


05/13/2013 at 04:54 PM

Actually, your take on Iron Man 3 is far more forgiving than most of my friends opinion of the movie (who are more casual moviegoers than you or me). One just said it sucked and another laughed through the whole movie but still didn't like it. I had little to like about Iron Man 2, so my expectations were incredibly low. I enjoyed it. Like you, the plot didn't mean much to me but it sure was fun.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:17 PM

I consider myself fairly casual, I just see a lot of movies cause I love 'em, but I'm no "hoity toity critic." It does surprise me they're just average moviegoers and didn't like it, but the spoiler thing towards the end splits people, and I can see not being a fan of it; I really enjoyed it though, just on a mostly detached summer popcorn level.

I thought Iron Man 2 was fine; I don't have any hate for it like other people, I just thought it was a decent distraction and I wasn't as big of a fan of the first as other people, so I wasn't as disappointed. First is still probably best, though.


05/13/2013 at 09:24 PM

I suppose it depends on how you define a casual moviegoer. I certainly don't consider myself a critic, or well-versed on movies (I will rarely watch any movie made before the 70s). At the same time, I'll go and watch an obscure indie movie that many of my friends would probably never watch or have heard of. Your best-of list from last year might have had a few of those.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 10:09 PM

I see your point. Yeah, I'll just go ahead and agree, you're right. I think I looked at this year's list of movies and was like "yeah I'm only going to see blockbusters," then I thought about it and realized that's only summer, and I like watching movies other people don't.

You were right. lol


05/13/2013 at 05:06 PM

I still haven't seen the film yet, but I hope to do it this week. I specially paid attention when you mentioned that the film is mostly character-driven, which is something I like on films.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:19 PM

Character-driven for sure, but also explosion and one-liner driven, and with a plot I didn't really like (I get tired of "bioweapon people," where their strengths and weaknesses are unclear to me). Let me know how the twist sits with you when you see it.


05/13/2013 at 05:36 PM

Strangely I have yet to see any of the Iron Man movies. I just never got around to it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:22 PM

Well, the first one comes on FX a lot now if you have cable, and I'd say if you like that, you'll probably enjoy two and three, just slightly less. Second one was on Netflix when I had it.

They're fun movies in my opinion. Not much more than that (to me), but very fun nonetheless.


05/13/2013 at 06:25 PM

All I really look for in a movie is to be entertained so I'm pretty easy to please. I have no idea why I haven't seen those movies. I've seen all the X-Men flix, Batman, Hellboy, Blade and lots of other stuff. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 06:29 PM

I've actually never seen Blade. So I guess that makes us even. lol

Cary Woodham

05/13/2013 at 07:25 PM

I saw Iron Man 3 this weekend.  It was fun, but not any better or worse than the others.  A lot of super hero movies are just cleverly disguised kids films.  Nothing wrong with that, but that's how I see them.  But hey, it was entertaining, and that's all I expect out of my movies.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/13/2013 at 08:14 PM

Pretty much how I felt about it, and you were right about them not going anywhere deeper with it; I admit, that trailer had me fooled.

I don't totally disagree with the cleverly disguised kids film thing, except for Dark Knight, which is a cleverly disguised Michael Mann film. lol


05/19/2013 at 12:21 PM

still need to see the avengers so it'll be awhile till I get to this one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/19/2013 at 06:15 PM

Yeah, it's almost more of an Avengers sequel than an Iron Man 2 sequel, really, so that's a good idea.

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