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It'sa me! Ashley!

On 05/14/2013 at 08:47 AM by FAF101

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Hello Pixlbit peeps! Hope things are swell and rad for all. Been reading everyones blog that I have missed and sorry I didn't comment on any I sadly didn't know how to comment on all 100+ messages I had seen. Been noticing everyone doing that photo I figured I would join in the frey of it!

Here's the most terrible recent picture of me! The flash on the phone killed my eyes. This was from last Thursday at the Lindsey Stirling concert! I am in the front with the glasses and next following suit is Shelly Beans (or Shelly/Michelle) my bff of 17 years or so and her boyfriend Rugged Russ (or russ).

This is the fiance, Cory! I am hiding behind him because I didn't want my photo taken at the time. This was taken in September.

And I am sure I mentioned my college room mate a few times but this is my other bff Ginger Muffin (or Emily). If you can't tell I make up names for my friends. This is her and I also taken in September.

So yay! This is me! 

Onto other news! Still been really really really busy on my end of things. A few weekends ago I spent a good portion of my days with my friend who moved down to Florida yesterday. We played a lot of SCV haha and I created Volva who is a female bird goddess (she sounds like a dying bird when hit) and she is rad! Also I just felt like making a silly femal Voldo with a name sounding kinda like his but not so much.

This is her with her mask on and then her mask off. She has a wrinkly face....which is why she wears a mask....she needs to appear beautiful! 

And last week was crunch time to get a lot of items done before Thursday which was the Lindsey Stirling Concert. It was a lot of fun! She is just as awesome live as she is in her videos. Friday to Sunday was camping. Go figure it rained on Saturday, but it was still a really fun good time. Since coming back I have been catching up on some sleep since it wore me out. Sunday and yesterday just passed out. Then there is's still busy as heck which makes it hard to allow me to sit down and continue Suikoden 2 after work since the longer hours. 

I am trying to find the balance between work, working out, and relax. It is not easy. I did start up my next handheld game though....and sadly it's not a 3DS games like I was originally going to do. I watch a Let's Play video person called HCBaily and he playes a lot of really great RPG or adventure games. He has already played Dragon Quest 1-5 and done videos for them. So after watching the newer ones he has done for 4 and 5 it got me in the mood to play a Dragon Quest game. So I started up Dragon Quest IX. I am still in the beginning but  I am enjoying it so far. It's something I am able to play for a few minutes before passing out. 

If you don't hear from me for awhile May is going to be a busy month for me. This weekend I have a bunch of doctor appointments coming up and then the following weekend and the weekend after I have travelling to do for graduation parties and visiting people. Crazy crazy! We shall see how things go and if I can beat a game this month at least! I added the games I am currently playing down at the bottom, I figured I can start doing this to keep my self in check with how long it's taking me to play a game and to keep you all informed of what I will be writing about in the future!


What is everyones plans for the rest of May? Any games planning to beat? Vacations planned?


{Currently playing: Suikoden 2(PS1) & Dragon Quest IX(DS)}



Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/14/2013 at 09:03 AM

Hey, it's Gigantor Laughing

Glad to know Stirling is as good live as she is in her videos!

As far as games I've been playing, mostly just Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Forza 4, and quite a bit of MineCraft as well surprisingly!

And no plans for May really. I'm just taking it one day at a time!


05/15/2013 at 12:32 PM

Lol can't get over the giagantor nick name.  I am still upset we cant play monster hunter on the 3DS together because I would buy that game asap just to hunt monsters with ya.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

05/15/2013 at 12:36 PM

I know!!! BUT... If you get the WiiU version.. I can transfer my data to the WiiU, rent a copy, and then play online with ya!


05/15/2013 at 12:49 PM

I am so getting the Wii U version because Cory has a Wii U! bwhahaha!


05/14/2013 at 09:09 AM

I beat DQ9 (DS) a while back.  It's a pretty good game and the first DQ game I ever finished. 

Not much partying going for me this month (or any month).  My wife's birthday is this month, so we'll probably do a date night.  

As for gaming, hopefully, I'll get back to Ni No Kuni and knock it out before the month ends. 


05/15/2013 at 12:35 PM

Happy early Birthday to her =D

The first DQ game I beat was the first DQ that came out on the NES. I am doing a solo run through with DQIX because it's doable...but gonna be a bit tough. I feel it's better than making party members for some reason.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

05/14/2013 at 10:14 AM

word!  I'm playing Ni NO Kuni, Blood Dragon, Mass Effect and KOTOR2, plus Metro 2033.  Sealed

good to put a face to the name.  good luck with your busy month and hope to see u around here more often!


05/15/2013 at 12:37 PM

Hopefully June itsn't too busy! And that I can get a a routine down so that I can start blogging a bit more. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

05/14/2013 at 10:27 AM

My plan is just to continue job hunting, which I'm getting real sick of doing, and I wouldn't have this problem for as long if I hadn't "overqualified" myself with that degree I bet you. Counterintuitiveness at its finest.

But I do get to go to a movie today (Great Gatsby), so not all is lost. I'm currently kind of working on Donkey Kong 64, but I'm just really not sure where to go exactly. Happens a lot with games I haven't picked up in years, so using GameFAQs to help.

Nice pictures, and cool you got to go to Lindsey Sterling.


05/15/2013 at 12:38 PM

I hate job hunting >_< good luck with it and hopefully you find something soon!

Never really got into DK64....for some reason it was never my cup of tea.


05/14/2013 at 11:39 AM

Finally a face to a name im glad i started this fiasco but hey were all freinds we might as well know who were talking to right and by the way yall make a cute couple hope it works out well and yall end up tieing the knot marriage is great, and good luck with everything and make sure to not stay gone to long.Laughing


05/15/2013 at 12:41 PM

Thank you!! I am hoping that June is not as busy and that I figure out a routine that will work for me to blog a bit more with everything else I want to do.


05/14/2013 at 12:00 PM

I really like your friend Emily's shirt for some reason. Laughing

That's awesome you got to go see Lindsey Sterling! I'm just getting into her music and she's really good. I've always had a fondness for the violin. I'm trying to beat F-Zero on SNES and it's hard. I am constantly ping ponging back and forth on the later tracks untill I explode lol.


05/15/2013 at 12:43 PM

Emily has a bunch of rad shirts XD

Hopefully you get through the game with less exploding =p I know those games can be tough at times though!


05/14/2013 at 05:20 PM

There is no shame in loving DS games. It is by far one of the best consoles ever with an enormous collection of amazing games, especially for RPG fans. Dragon Quest 9 was an amazing game that should be experienced by all RPG players. 

And More Monster Hunter 3 in May for Me.


05/15/2013 at 12:45 PM

The DS is one of my favorite systems because of the RPGs. I am just now waiting for the newer handhelds to come out with more RPG like games.


05/14/2013 at 06:21 PM

I'm in the middle of DQ 9 too,it's really great and I love all of the customization. May's gonna be slow for me gaming wise. My backlogs almost flushed out and I just want to sit and watch netflix all day on the wekends. Hopefully during the summer I can finish all of Scrubs! AHHHHH such a great show!


05/15/2013 at 12:47 PM

I have a million shows I need to catch up on. I try to do that while playing a game on the handheld which I have a feeling I may be trying to clear out my handheld backlog for now...and PS one games as well.

Cary Woodham

05/14/2013 at 07:16 PM

Do you have Soul Calibur V on PS3 or 360.  If you have it on 360, we can play together and you can see some characters I've made!

June's gonna be busy for me with Animal Crossing coming out!


05/15/2013 at 12:48 PM

I have it on the 360! We shall have to battle sometime!

Cary Woodham

05/15/2013 at 07:10 PM

Do be sure and send me a friend invite if you haven't already.  My Xbox gamertag is Klonoa360.


05/15/2013 at 12:39 PM

Glad you made the move to Florida okay,Ash! Just by describing Volva she sounds more deep and better thought out then a good majority of the new SoulCal characters. lol. Then again, I doubt most ppl get into Soul Cal for the story. I still need to get V and SoulCal 4 was great too!


05/15/2013 at 12:49 PM

Oh I didn't move to FL my friend did haha XD but she made it safely down there. I actually like the stories for SC and SCV story was not that great and honestly I wasn't very impressed with the characters. I need to get my hands on 4.


05/15/2013 at 01:00 PM

Ah, sorry I misread something. Derp! It happens with me sometimes. I'm getting senile. lol. One of the reasons I hesitated getting SCV was the smaller character roster and even less of a storyline. I read somewhere that most of the new characters aren't even given their own plots.


05/16/2013 at 10:38 AM

HAha no worries! I do that a lot too! And yeah the story really revolves around...3? characters and they are not the greatest characters...Of course it's the ones I hate to play lol. And yeah there are not many characters to choose from I wish there was more and more story to them as well.


05/15/2013 at 04:15 PM

Nice pics! I think everyone's a little camera shy. At least, I certainly don't like it when people take surprise pics!


05/16/2013 at 10:39 AM

I get surprise pictured a lot around Shelly because for some reason I always make the weirdest face and she has to photo it. She actually made me an album of all my weird faces haha, I am waiting for more to add.


05/16/2013 at 07:11 AM

Volva looks evil! one of the best aspects about soul calibre  though, think I spent more time creating characters than playing them though!


05/16/2013 at 10:39 AM

Oh yes! She is ment to look evil because she is. I made a prettier version of her as well but I like the evil one the best


05/19/2013 at 12:29 PM

busy busy, enjoy it though. if moments like those happen its best to enjoy that for awhile. blogging can only do so much. yet another picturer of an actual gametagger? I think I may join the trend...

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