That's cool. I had forgotten that Razer's Edge had come out for the 360 and PS3. I still think of it as a Wii U game. Which did you get it for? I still need to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma...
Weabooing: Ninja Gaiden Razor's Edge & GodEater!
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![]() On 05/14/2013 at 05:00 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Don’t worry, ya’ll. No weird personal conspiracy theories or court cases this time. This blog is all about games!
What the hell is this?! (Head explodes)
First and foremost, I’ve been crafting bullets in God-Eater- Burst. There’s tons of tutorials online that show you how to build up to some wicked combinations. You can alter trajectory, include an area effect, and alter elemental properties quite easily if you know what you are doing. For me this is sort of like the eastern equivalent of Borderland’s “gazillion guns”.
Beyond that, I got Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s edge. I know what you all are thinking. “Damn it Ben, didn’t we tell you DmC was better? Are you deaf and blind?” In my defense, it dropped to $18.99. After I bought it the price immediately went back up to $39.99 so either it was a lightning deal or I was able to take advantage of a fleeting clerical error. Either way, I’m personally excited for it!
Are you ready to ninja?!
Understand that Razor’s Edge completes my kooky Tecmo/Koei fan collection. You see, Ayane and Ryu appeared in Warriors Orochi 3. Their presence coupled with the re-mastered nes tribute to Ninja Gaiden’s basilisk mines (stage 4-2) theme song once again relit my fire for all things ninja oriented!
For those of you unaware, I didn’t know much about Itagaki and I wasn’t really devastated when he left Tecmo. I’m grateful he revived Ninja Gaiden for a new generation and grateful he created DOA but beyond that I did not keep up with his exploits. All I know is most Team-Ninja fans masturbate to Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox simply because it’s very difficult and is about Ryu Hayabusa. (Some purists might also start going into frames per second but on average I don’t care about that so long as a game looks smooth and responds well to inputs.)
Regardless, you can probably expect one of my half assed review corner segments on Razor’s edge soon! I’m looking forward to the extra weapons, extra stages, and extra characters included with this update. Will I play it on hard mode? Er, probably not! I admire the finesse of gamers who prefer everything “hardcore” but I’m presently too old for that shit!