Games Beaten
-Pop'n Twinbee (SNES - Switch Online)
Pop'n TwinBee is a very player-friendly game that hails from a brutal genre. One-hit kills and limited continues is often the name of the game but this game gives you a life meter and enough continues—that started us right where we died!—that my friend and I finished the game first try. It is an odd one! I still don't understand quite how the bell power up system works, which is frustrating. It was a fun distraction and gets points for co-op but I probably won't play it again.
-Vampire Survivors (Switch)
Why is this game so compelling? You just walk around while your character auto-attacks...and I love it. Something about the progression and the weapons and feeling powerful and unlocking new stuff and finding secrets. VS does a great job of dangling lots of little things in front of you to keep you going and some of them are very obtuse but occasionally looking up something online has not diminished my enjoyment of this game. And the DLC is stretching that out farther and farther.
-Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon (Switch)
There is a lot to love about this prequel. The watercolor visuals are gorgeous and the OST can be haunting, playful, exciting, or peaceful, whatever is needed. Playing both characters at the same time (not always necessary) is something different and I like that. It mostly works, though my brain would sometimes break in the heat of combat. Story is good. My main complaint is that the map is not helpful. I gave up returning to look for upgrades bc it's too hard to find where you want to go.
Games Bought
In the realm of acquisitions January was, I think, an understandable lull after the craziness of December. The only thing I got was one PS+ game, Steelrising (PS5), which looks like some kind of alt-historical French Revolution action game with clockwork automatons...or something. Enough to intrigue me!
Games Being Played
-Yakuza 0 (PS4)
Haven't had a chance to play this in the last week or so but I'm looking forward to getting back to it.
-Vampire Survivors (Switch)
Still killing!
-Destiny 2 (PS5)
Trying to solo this certain dungeon and it's very hard.
-Depixtion (Switch)
I've got less than 20 pictures left to go!